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          EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術(shù) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > Linear LTC2259-16 16位模-數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換方案

          Linear LTC2259-16 16位模-數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換方案

          作者: 時間:2010-04-22 來源: 收藏
          Linear 公司的是 16位器,適用于對高頻寬動態(tài)范圍的信號進(jìn)行數(shù)字化.它的SNR為73.1dB,SFDR為88dB,單電源1.8V工作,功率89mW,具有CMOS, DDR CMOS 或DDR LVDS輸出,可選擇的輸入范圍從1VP-P 到 2VP-P,主要用于,,SDR,,多路數(shù)據(jù)采集和非破壞性測試.本文介紹了LTCR2259-16主要特性, 功能方框圖, 采用變壓器模擬輸入(5MHz-70MHz)電路圖,以及70MHz到170MHz, 170MHz到270MHz, 大于270MHz和采用高速差分放大器的前端輸入電路圖, 典型應(yīng)用電路圖.

          The LTCR2259-16 is a sampling 16-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. It is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that includes 73.1dB SNR and 88dB spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). Ultralow jitter of 0.17psRMS allows undersampling of IF frequencies with excellent noise performance. DC specs include ±4LSB INL (typical) and ±0.5LSB DNL (typical).

          The digital outputs can be either full-rate CMOS, doubledata rate CMOS, or double-data rate LVDS. A separate output power supply allows the CMOS output swing to range from 1.2V to 1.8V.

          The ENC+ and ENC– inputs may be driven differentially or single ended with a sine wave, PECL, LVDS, TTL or CMOS inputs. An optional clock duty cycle stabilizer allows high performance at full speed for a wide range of clock duty cycles.


          73.1dB SNR

          88dB SFDR

          Low Power: 89mW

          Single 1.8V Supply

          CMOS, DDR CMOS or DDR LVDS Outputs

          Selectable Input Ranges: 1VP-P to 2VP-P

          800MHz Full-Power Bandwidth S/H

          Optional Data Output Randomizer

          Optional Clock Duty Cycle Stabilizer

          Shutdown and Nap Modes

          Serial SPI Port for Configuration

          40-Pin (6mm x 6mm) QFN Package



          Cellular Base Stations

          Software Defi ned Radios

          Portable Medical Imaging

          Multi-Channel Data Acquisition

          Nondestructive Testing



          圖3.LTCR2259-16 70MHz到170MHz前端輸入電路圖

          圖3.LTCR2259-16 170MHz到270MHz前端輸入電路圖

          圖4.LTCR2259-16 大于270MHz前端輸入電路圖

          圖5.LTCR2259-16 采用高速差分放大器的前端輸入電路圖

          圖6. 應(yīng)用電路




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