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          EEPW首頁 > 消費電子 > 產(chǎn)品拆解 > Logitech 2-MP Webcam C600 拆解

          Logitech 2-MP Webcam C600 拆解

          作者: 時間:2013-02-19 來源:ifixit.com 收藏

            Step 1


            Buy a 2-MP Webcam C600, model number: 960-000395

            Remove Camera from the box

            Pull to remove the base







            Step 2

            Pry off the button mounted on the side

            Green arrow indicates the location of screw hole

            Use a #0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the screw







            Step 3

            Remove the screw indicated by the green arrows

            The lens can be screwed and unscrewed to adjust focus. However it is glued in place and should be reglued after adjustment







            Step 4

            The screws indicated by the blue arrows hold the lens module in place

            The infrared filter is accessible from the back of the lens module. It is the shiny piece of reddish glass.







            Step 5

            Attached to the white plastic is the privacy shade position sensor.

            The ccd sensor appears to be 1/3.2" Type sensor with 4:3 aspect ratio. With is 4.536mm x 3.416mm. Focal length is currently undetermined.




          關鍵詞: Logitech 拆解




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