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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > Microchip MRF24WB0MA 2.4GHz Wi-Fi解決方案

          Microchip MRF24WB0MA 2.4GHz Wi-Fi解決方案

          作者: 時間:2012-10-22 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

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          The -Fi Comm Demo Board provides a low-cost and portable development system for ’s 802.11b RF Transceiver module.

          The Wi-Fi Comm Demo Board is preloaded with the demo software for the user to explore the features of the MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi module. It is also expandable through an expansion interface, which allows the user to extend its functionality by adding various sensor expansion boards.

          The Wi-Fi Comm Demo board provides a compact development platform for customers to evaluate ’s Wi-Fi product offering. The demo board comes with onboard MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi module which is FCC/IC/ETSI certified along with a PIC32 MCU.

          The demo board comes preloaded with the demo software for the user to explore the features of the MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi module. It is also expandable through an expansion interface, which allows the user to extend its functionality by adding various sensor expansion boards.

          This demo quickly shows how the Microchip agency certified Wi-Fi module can help connect products to popular 802.11b networks.

          > Clicking LED icons on the web page will change the status of the LED on the board.

          > Pressing push buttons on the board will be indicated on the web page.



          Over-the-air data rate: 1 2 Mbps (802.11b)

          Standard Wi-Fi™ range expectation

          > Indoor range of 50m+ (150’) with built-in antenna

          > Outdoor, line of sight, >400m (1,200+’)

          Supports 802.11 Infrastructure and Ad Hoc modes


          DV102411 Demo Board

          > MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi Module

          > PIC32 MCU

          2 AAA Lithium Batteries

          Product Information Sheet


          The Wi-Fi Comm Demo Board includes the following key features:

          1. MRF24WMB0MA RF Transceiver module

          2. PIC32MX695F512H 32-bit microcontroller

          3. MCP1642 +3.3V Boost regulator

          4. Three status indicator LEDs

          5. One push-button switch for user input

          6. Power ON/OFF slider switch

          7. 6-pin debug port

          8. 8-pin sensor port


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