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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 基于SAA1160A設(shè)計的嵌入式USB主控制方案


          作者: 時間:2010-06-08 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          器,和 Rev. 2.0兼容,支持全速(12Mbps)和低速(1.5Mbps)數(shù)據(jù)傳輸。提供兩個下行端口,每個端口有過流(OC)檢測輸入引腳和電源開關(guān)輸出引腳。工作電壓3.3V或 5.0V,主要用在PDA,數(shù)碼相機(jī),3G手機(jī),STB,信息電器(IA),照片打印機(jī),游戲臺等。本文介紹了主要特性和優(yōu)勢,方框圖,采用內(nèi)部和外部OC的檢測電路以及和Hitachi SH-3 (SH7709) RISC處理器的接口電路。

          SAA1160A Embedded host controller

          The SAA1160A is an embedded Universal Serial Bus (USB) Host Controller (HC) that complies with Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev. 2.0, supporting data transfer at full-speed (12 Mbit/s) and low-speed (1.5 Mbit/s). The SAA1160A provides two downstream ports. Each downstream port has an OverCurrent (OC) detection input pin and power supply switching control output pin. The downstream ports for the HC can be connected with any USB compliant USB devices and USB hubs that have USB upstream ports.

          The SAA1160A is well suited for embedded systems and portable devices that require a USB host. The SAA1160A brings high flexibility to the systems that have it built in. For example, a system that has the SAA1160A built in allows it to be connected to a device that has a USB upstream port, such as a USB printer, USB camera, USB keyboard, USB mouse, among others.


          Complies with Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev. 2.0

          Supports data transfer at full-speed (12 Mbit/s) and low-speed (1.5 Mbit/s)

          Adapted from Open Host Controller Interface Specification for USB Release 1.0a

          Selectable one or two downstream ports for HC

          High-speed parallel interface to most of the generic microprocessors and Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processors such as:

          Hitachi SuperH SH-3 and SH-4

          MIPS-based RISC

          ARM7, ARM9 and StrongARM

          Maximum 15 MB/s data transfer rate between the microprocessor and the HC

          Supports single-cycle and burst mode DMA operations

          Built-in FIFO buffer RAM for the HC (4 kB)

          Endpoints with double buffering to increase throughput and ease real-time data transfer for ISOchronous (ISO) transactions

          6 MHz crystal oscillator with integrated PLL for low EMI

          Built-in software selectable internal 15 kΩ pull-down resistors for HC downstream ports

          Dedicated pins for suspend sensing output and wake-up control input for flexible applications

          Operation at either +5 V or +3.3 V power supply voltage

          Operating temperature range from 40℃ to +85℃

          Available in an LQFP64 package (SOT314-2)

          SAA1160A 應(yīng)用:

          Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

          Digital camera

          Third-generation (3-G) phone

          Set-Top Box (STB)

          Information Appliance (IA)

          Photo printer

          MP3 jukebox

          Game console


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