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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 基于STM8T141設(shè)計的觸摸或接近檢測方案


          作者: 時間:2010-05-11 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏



          STM8T14X-EVAL 評估板

          The STM8T14X-EVAL is an evaluation kit which introduces developers to STMicroelectronics touch and proximity capacitive sensor. It contains an evaluation board, the MB858, plus a set of preconfigured plug-in modules which allow to evaluate device performances in either touch or proximity detection (depending on the module which has been plugged in).

          STM8T14X-EVAL 評估板主要特性:

          The evaluation kit features are the following:

          ■ Touch detection with on-board PCB sensing electrode and 1.5 mm dielectric panel

          ■ Easy dielectric adjustment by stacking acrylic panels

          ■ Proximity detection with on-board PCB sensing electrode or plug-in antenna

          ■ Standalone power configuration using an on-board battery

          ■ External power supply through USB interface

          ■ Electrode grounding or shielding configured by jumper

          The STM8T14X-EVAL kit includes:

          ● 1 STM8T141 evaluation board (MB858)

          ● 4 STM8T141 preconfigured plug-in modules (MB856)

          ● 1 antenna shielding cable

          ● 1 additional 3 mm acrylic panel

          圖6.STM8T14X-EVAL 評估板外形圖

          圖7. MB858評估板和插入STM8T141模塊

          圖8. STM8T141評估板(MB858)電路圖

          圖9. STM8T141模塊(MB858)電路圖


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