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          EEPW首頁 > 業(yè)界動態(tài) > Linear announces a new switching regulator

          Linear announces a new switching regulator

          作者: 時間:2002-12-06 來源:電子設計應用 收藏
          technology announces the LTC3413, a high efficiency, monolithic synchronous step-down switching regulator that is capable of generating a bus termination voltage for DDR/DDR2 memory applications. It has the ability to source or sink up to 3A of output current. The LTC3413 allows switching frequencies as high as 2MHz allowing for very small externals and creating a very small, compact solution footprint. The internal power switches have an RDS(ON) of only 85mOhms providing efficiencies as high as 90% while generating an output voltage as low as 0.6V. For improved thermal handling, the LTC3413 is offered in a thermally enhanced TSSOP-16E package.
          Full Release:

          關鍵詞: Linear




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