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          EEPW首頁 > 手機與無線通信 > 設計應用 > Tested and approved oscillators for Maxim‘s TDMoP devices

          Tested and approved oscillators for Maxim‘s TDMoP devices

          作者: 時間:2010-08-11 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏
          Abstract: This application note lists the (OCXO, oven-controlled crystal oscillator, TCXO, temperature-compensated crystal oscillator) that have been tested proven to work with 's (time division multiplexing over packets) to meet G.8261 compliance tests. Data show that the frequency accuracy of the varied depending on whether an OCXO or TCXO was used.


          This application note lists that have been tested with to meet G.8261 compliance tests. The article focuses on 's TDMoP product line: the DS34T101, DS34T102, DS34T104, DS34T108; the DS34S101, DS34S102, DS34S104, and DS34S108; or the DS34S132.

          For typical operation the output from the oscillator goes to the CLK_HIGH pin of the DS34T10x and DS34S10x devices, or to the REFCLK pin of the DS34S132 the internal clock-recovery synthesizer. From this CLK_HIGH or REFCLK signal, an on-chip frequency converter block produces the reference clock required by the clock recovery engines in the TDMoP block. This reference clock the clock recovery engine is 38.88MHz DS34T10x and DS34S10x devices, and 155.52MHz for the DS34S132 device.

          List of the

          ManufacturerPart NumberFrequency (MHz)Type of Oscillator
          Valpay FisherVFTCEC59L3T38.88OCXO


          The frequency stability characteristics of the CLK_HIGH or REFCLK signal affect the wander performance of the recovered TDM clock. For applications where the recovered TDM clock must comply with G.823/G.824 requirements for traffic interfaces, typically a TCXO can be used as the source for the CLK_HIGH or REFCLK signal. For applications where the recovered clock must comply with G.823/G.824 requirements for synchronization interfaces, the CLK_HIGH or REFCLK signal typically must come from an OCXO. 's TDMoP devices achieved a short-term frequency accuracy at 1s of 16ppb or better when an OCXO was used as a reference, and 100ppb or better when a TCXO was used as a reference.




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