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          作者: 時(shí)間:2010-01-18 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏


          1) You could use a switch to change the brightness instead of a pot, or leave it bright.
          2) You could use an LM358 dual opamp (I tried it) but its output drops above 4Khz. The MC33172 is flat to 20kHz with this high gain.
          3) You could add a 1uF to 2.2uF capacitor across R5 so the indicator responds only to bass or “the beat” of music. Then an LM358 dual opamp is fine.


          1) The stripboard layout was designed for a Hammond 1591B plastic box with space in the lower end for a rechargeable 9V battery. One bolt holds the circuit board and a second bolt was cut short as a guide.
          2) A second piece of stripboard was used on a diagonal to space the LEDs closely together. A few LEDs needed their rim to be filed slightly to fit.
          3) A third piece of stripboard was used as a separating wall for the battery and it interlocks with the LEDs stripboard to hold it in place.
          4) 11-wire flexible ribbon cable connects to the LEDs.
          5) Use shielded audio from the microphone and a rubber grommet holding it.

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          關(guān)鍵詞: 指示器 音量




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