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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > Cypress CY8CLED04D0x PowerPSoC智能LED驅(qū)動方案

          Cypress CY8CLED04D0x PowerPSoC智能LED驅(qū)動方案

          作者: 時間:2010-02-15 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          CY3268 照明入門套件


          The CY3268 Lighting Starter Kit

          The CY3268 Lighting Starter Kit demonstrates the ability of PowerPSoC to create scalable management solutions and enables designers to evaluate PowerPSoC. The PowerPSoC family of devices features high performance power electronics including 1A, 32V rated power FETs, hysteretic controllers, current sense amplifiers, and PrISM technology to create a complete solution for power management.

          This kit also enables designers to test and evaluate preliminary prototype designs using PowerPSoC and understand the design flow using PSoC Designer software for the PowerPSoC device family.

          Hardware Description

          Each CY3268 PowerPSoC Lighting Starter Kit contains:

          CY3268 PowerPSoC Board

          12V, 1A Power Supply

          2 Jumper Shunts

          Software CD, which includes:

          PSoC Designer

          PSoC Programmer

          Kit CD, which includes:

          Demo Firmware,

          Design Files, and

          Related Documents

          圖3.CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入門套件方框圖

          圖4.CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入門套件電路圖(1)

          圖5.CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入門套件電路圖(2)

          圖6.CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入門套件電路圖(3)


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