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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 1-5W MR16 LED驅(qū)動GreenPoin解決方案

          1-5W MR16 LED驅(qū)動GreenPoin解決方案

          作者: 時間:2010-02-15 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          This reference document describes a built and tested, t® solution for a 1 to 5W driver for replacement. The circuit is proposed for driving HB--LED (high--brightness LED) in a variety of lighting applications but is configured in size and features for an LED replacement. Configurations like this are found in 12 Vac / 12 Vdc track lighting applications, automotive applications, and low voltage AC landscaping applications as well as task lighting such as under--cabinet lights and desk lamps that might be powered from standard off--the―shelf Vac wall adapters.

          The circuit is based around the ON Semiconductor NCP3065 operating at ~150 kHz in a non―isolated configuration. A key consideration in this design was achieving flat current regulation across input line variation and output voltage variation with a 12 Vac input. It also features an auto--detect circuit in combination with the NCP3065 which allows input from a 12 Vdc or 12 Vac supply and still maintain targeted output current regulation.

          圖6. MR16 LED方框圖

          圖7. MR16 LED器外形圖

          圖8.1-5W MR16 LED驅(qū)動器電路圖





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