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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設計應用 > 三頻閃儀電路


          作者: 時間:2010-02-10 來源:網絡 收藏

          三頻閃儀 Triple Stroboscope


          This circuit enables observation of movement between other stroboscopes. Generation of rectangular signal is based on NE555. This circuit requires a low power supply that is made from a simple transformer TR1, traditional rectifier bridge and zener diode.

          NE555 works in multivibrator mode generating astable pulses of 2Hz to 20Hz.
          The frequency is adjusted by potentiometer P1. The control potentiometer P1 can be placed as far as 30 meters away, for suspension of stroboscope’s work from far away.

          It is east to find all parts with facility in every electronic store, but it may be difficult to find the transformers TR2, TR3, TR4.

          Take extreme care handling this circuit because near C5-C7-C9 high voltages are present.


          R1 = 6,8 k
          R2 = 5,6 k
          R3 = 330
          R4,R6,R8 = 270 / 5 W
          R5,R7,R9 = 220 k
          P1 = 100 k linear potentiometer
          C1 = 100 uF / 16 V
          C2 = 4,7 uF / 16 V
          C3 = 10 nF
          C4,C6,C8 = 22 nF / 400 V, MKS
          C5,C7,C9 = 10 uF / 350 V, electrolytic (high quality)
          TR1 = Ordinary transformer 230 V / 9 V, 1,5 VA
          TR2,TR3,TR4 = stroboscope transformer np (ZTK200)
          D1,D2,D3,D4 = 1N4149
          D5 = BZX85V Zener 3.9
          D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11 = 1N4004
          IO1 = NE555
          IO2,IO3,IO4 = MOC3020
          XE1,XE2,XE3 = stroboscope lamps FT50
          F1 = Fuse 0.8 A, 20 mm
          K1,K5 = connectors ARK200-2
          K2,K3,K4 = connectors ARK200-3
          S1 = Switch


          關鍵詞: 電路




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