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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 電池供電小夜燈電路


          作者: 時間:2010-01-18 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          --Battery-powered Night Lamp


          1,R2___________1M 1/4W Resistors
          R3_____________47K 1/4W Resistor (optional: see Notes)
          R4____________Photo resistor (any type, optional: see Notes)

          C1____________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
          C2____________220F 25V Electrolytic Capacitor

          D1______________LED Red 10mm. Ultra-bright (see Notes)
          D2___________1N5819 40V 1A Schottky-barrier Diode (see Notes)

          IC1____________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC

          B1_____________1.5V Battery (AA or AAA cell etc.)

          Device purpose:

          This circuit is usable as a Night Lamp when a wall mains socket is not available to plug-in an ever running small neon lamp device. In order to ensure minimum battery consumption, one 1.5V cell is used, and a simple voltage doubler drives a pulsating ultra-bright LED: current drawing is less than 500A.
          An optional Photo resistor switches-off the circuit in daylight or when room lamps illuminate, allowing further current economy.
          This device will run for about 3 months continuously on an ordinary AA sized cell or for around 6 months on an alkaline type cell but, adding the Photo resistor circuitry, running time will be doubled or, very likely, triplicated.

          Circuit operation:

          IC1 generates a square wave at about 4Hz frequency. C2 D2 form a voltage doubler, necessary to raise the battery voltage to a peak value able to drive the LED.


          IC1 must be a CMos type: only these devices can safely operate at 1.5V supply or less.

          If you are not needing Photo resistor operation, omit R3 R4 and connect pin 4 of IC1 to positive supply.

          Ordinary LEDs can be used, but light intensity will be poor.

          An ordinary 1N4148 type diode can be used instead of the 1N5819 Schottky-barrier type diode, but LED intensity will be reduced due to the higher voltage drop.

          Any Schottky-barrier type diode can be used in place of the 1N5819.


          關(guān)鍵詞: 電路 小夜燈 供電 電池




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