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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 基于PD69101設(shè)計的混合信號高壓以太網(wǎng)供電方案


          作者: 時間:2010-06-02 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          是單端(PoE)驅(qū)動器,它采用開關(guān)和使能網(wǎng)絡(luò)器件在同一電纜上共享電源和數(shù)據(jù),能檢測EEE802.3af-2003兼容的受電設(shè)備(PD)和IEEE802.3at大功率設(shè)備.DC輸入電壓44 - 57 VDC,內(nèi)置了3.3V DC穩(wěn)壓器,工作溫度從-40°到+85℃,具有超溫保護和電壓監(jiān)視與保護等.本文介紹主要特性,方框圖以及2對和4對(數(shù)據(jù)和)典型應(yīng)用電路圖.

          Microsemi’s is a single port, mixed-signal, high-voltage Power over Ethernet driver. The device is utilized in Ethernet switches and enables network devices to share power and data over the same cable. It enables detection of IEEE802.3af-2003 compliant PDs (Powered Devices) and IEEE802.3at High Power Devices, thus, ensuring safe power feeding and disconnection of ports with full digital control and a minimum of external components. Integrating power, analog and state of the art logic, the PD69101 device fits into a single 24-pin, plastic QFN package.

          A “plug and play” device, the PD69101 executes all real time functions as specified in the IEEE802.3af-2003 (“AF”) and IEEE802.3at High Power (“AT”) standards, including load detection, “AF” and “AT” classification, and using Multiple Classification Attempts (MCA).

          The PD69101 :

          Is designed to detect and disable disconnected ports, utilizing DC disconnection methods, as specified in the IEEE 802.3af-2003 and IEEE802.3ar-2009 standards.

          Can optionally detect legacy/pre-standard PD devices.

          Provides PD protection such as over-load, under-load, over-voltage, over-temperature and short-circuiting.

          Supports supply voltages ranging from 44 V to 57 VDC with no need for additional power supply sources.

          Is a low power device using an internal 0.3 Ω MOSFET and an external 0.5 Ω sense resistor.

          The chip includes built-in internal thermal protection.

          Two LEDs provide port state’s indication and port type (AF/AT).


          Fully IEEE802.3af-2003 and IEEE802.3at-2009 compliant

          Includes two-event classification

          Supports pre-standard PD detection

          Supports Cisco devices detection

          Single DC voltage input (44 - 57 VDC)

          Supports 2 Pairs and 4 Pairs (Data and Spare Power Feeding)

          VMAIN Out of Range Protection

          Wide temperature range: -40°to +85℃

          Over-temperature protection

          Low thermal dissipation (0.5 Ω sense resistor)

          Includes on/off command pin

          2 x direct LEDs drive

          Continuous port monitoring and system data

          Configurable load current setting

          Configurable AT/AF modes

          Configurable standard and legacy detection mode

          Power soft start mechanism

          On-chip thermal protection

          Voltage monitoring protection

          Built in 3.3 VDC regulator

          Internal power on reset

          RoHS compliant

          Low Rdson FET: 0.3 Ω

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