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          EEPW首頁 > 測試測量 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > 基于78M6618設(shè)計(jì)的八路能量測量方案


          作者: 時(shí)間:2010-05-19 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          是高度集成的獨(dú)立監(jiān)測八路單相AC出口的IC,集成了多個(gè)主機(jī)接口,LCD驅(qū)動(dòng)器和可配置的I/O口.提供用于和電壓與電流傳感器接口的十個(gè)模擬輸入端,并具有21位delta-sigma ADC,獨(dú)立的32位計(jì)算引擎(CE),數(shù)字溫度補(bǔ)償以及精密的電壓基準(zhǔn)源,能在2000:1動(dòng)態(tài)范圍內(nèi)提供優(yōu)于0.5%的精度,非常適合用在嵌入式高精度AC功率和.


          Octal Power and Energy Measurement IC

          The Teridian 78M6618 is a highly integrated IC for independent monitoring and measurement of up to eight (8) single-phase AC outlets. With multiple host interface options, an integrated LCD driver, and configurable I/Os, it is ideal for metered power distribution units (PDUs) and rack enclosures for the data center as well as intelligent power strips and sub panels in the grid-friendly digital home.

          At the measurement interface, the device provides ten analog inputs for interfacing to voltage and current sensors. Voltages from the sensors are fed to Teridian’s patented Single Converter Technology® which uses a 21-bit delta-sigma ADC, independent 32-bit compute engine (CE), digital temperature compensation, and precision voltage references to provide better than 0.5% accuracy over a wide 2000:1 dynamic range.

          The integrated MPU core and 128 KB of Flash memory provides a flexible means of configuration, post-processing, data formatting, interfacing to host processor via a UART or SPI interface, displaying output data to an LCD, or using DIO pins for intelligent relay control. Complete firmware for common applications is available from Teridian and can be pre-loaded into the IC during manufacturing test. Alternatively, a complete array of ICE, development tools and programming libraries are available to allow customization MPU code for each application.

          Teridian’s new family of 78M661x energy measurement solutions are the ideal choice for embedding high accurate AC power and energy measurement into grid friendly electronic equipment and intelligent power distribution gear.


          0.5% Wh accuracy over wide 2000:1 current range and over temperature

          Exceeds IEC 62053 / ANSI C12.20 standards

          Voltage reference 40 ppm/℃

          Ten sensor inputs―V3P3 referenced

          21-bit delta-sigma ADC with independent 32-bit compute engine (CE)

          8-bit MPU (80515), 1 clock cycle per instruction with 4 KB MPU XRAM

          128 KB Flash with security

          Integrated ICE for MPU debug

          32 kHz time base with hardware watchdog timer

          UART and high-speed slave SPI host interface options

          Up to 19 general purpose 5 V tolerant I/O pins

          LCD driver (up to 70 pixels)

          Packaged in a RoHS compliant (6/6) lead-free 68-pin QFN

          Complete Application Firmware provides: o True RMS calculations for current, voltage, line frequency, real power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor

          Accumulated watt-hours, kilowatt-hours, and cost

          Intelligent switch control at zero crossings

          Digital temperature compensation

          Phase compensation (±15°)

          Quick calibration routines

          46-64 Hz line frequency range with same calibration


          The 78M6618 includes:

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          關(guān)鍵詞: 78M6618 能量 測量 方案




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