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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 汽車電子 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > Atmel ATA6843 汽車BLDC馬達(dá)驅(qū)動(dòng)解決方案

          Atmel ATA6843 汽車BLDC馬達(dá)驅(qū)動(dòng)解決方案

          作者: 時(shí)間:2012-04-09 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          公司的 6844是三相無(wú)刷直流馬達(dá)( )控制器,集成了微控制器和六個(gè)分立的功率MOSFET,并提供3.3V/5V線性穩(wěn)壓器和窗口看門狗,為汽車應(yīng)用提供了完整的馬達(dá)控制單員。工作電壓5.25V到32V,工作結(jié)溫150度C,能以最大開關(guān)頻率50kHz直接驅(qū)動(dòng)6個(gè)外接NMOS晶體管。本文介紹了和ATA6844主要特性,方框圖和典型應(yīng)用電路及所用外接元件列表。


          Motor Driver and LIN System Basis Chip

          The ® ATA and ATA6844 are system basis chips for three-phase brushless DC motor controllers designed in Atmel’s state-of-the-art 0.8μm SOI technology SMART-I.S.™1. In combination with a microcontroller and six discrete power MOSFETs, the system basis chip forms a BLDC motor control unit for automotive applications. In addition, the circuits provide a 3.3V/5V linear regulator and a window watchdog.

          The circuit includes various control and protection functions like overvoltage and overtemperature protection, short circuit detection, and undervoltage management. Thanks to these function blocks, the driver fulfils a maximum of safety requirements and offers a high integration level to save cost and space in various applications. The target applications are most suitable for the automotive market due to the robust technology and the high qualification level. Atmel ATA6844, in particular, is designed for applications in a high-temperature environment.


          • Broad Operation Voltage Range from 5.25V to 32V

          • Atmel ATA6843 Temperature Range TJ = 150℃

          • Atmel ATA6844 Extended Temperature Range TJ = 200℃

          • Direct Driving of 6 External NMOS Transistors with a Maximum Switching Frequency of 50kHz

          • Integrated Charge Pump to Provide Gate Voltages for High-side Drivers and to Supply the Gate of the External Battery Reverse Protection NMOS

          • Built-in 5V/3.3V Voltage Regulator with Current Limitation

          • Reset Signal for the Microcontroller

          • Sleep Mode with Supply Current of typically 45μA

          • Wake-up via LIN Bus or High Voltage Input

          • Programmable Window Watchdog

          • Battery Overvoltage Protection and Battery Undervoltage Management

          • Overtemperature Warning and Protection (Shutdown)

          • Jump Start Compatible

          • 200mA Peak Current for Each Output Driver

          • LIN Transceiver Conformal to LIN 2.1 and SAEJ2602-2 with Outstanding EMC and ESD Performance

          • QFN48 Package 7mmx7mm







          關(guān)鍵詞: Atmel 6843 BLDC ATA




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