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          EEPW首頁 > 醫(yī)療電子 > 設計應用 > ST STHV748高性能超聲波脈沖控制方案

          ST STHV748高性能超聲波脈沖控制方案

          作者: 時間:2012-11-28 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏

          公司的HV748是4路5級±90V, 2 A高高速超聲波脈沖控制器,輸出電壓從0V到90V,工作頻率高達20MHz,抖動低至20ps,具有抗交叉導通功能和低2次諧波失真特性,HV748應用在醫(yī)療超聲波圖像,脈沖發(fā)生器,NDT超聲波發(fā)送和壓電傳感器驅(qū)動器.本文介紹748主要特性,方框圖和典型應用電路.


          World’s Most Integrated High-Performance Ultrasound Pulse Controller

          STHV748: 5-level, ±90 V, 2 A high-speed pulser with four independent channels

          This monolithic, high-voltage, high-speed pulser generator features four independent channels. It is designed for medical ultrasound applications, but can also be used for other piezoelectric, capacitive or MEMS transducers. The device comprises a controller logic interface circuit, level translators, MOSFET gate drivers, noise blocking diodes and high-power P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs as output stage for each channel,clamping-to-ground circuitry, anti-leakage, antimemory effect block, thermal sensor and HV receiver switch (HVR_SW) which guarantees a strong decoupling during transmission phase.Moreover the STHV748 includes self biasing and thermal shutdown blocks .

          Each channel can support up to five active output levels with two half bridges. The output stage of each channel is able to provide ±2 A peak output current. In order to reduce power dissipation during continuous wave mode, the peak current is limited to 0.6 A.


          ■ High-density ultrasound transmitter

          ■ 0 to ±90 V output voltage

          ■ Up to 20 MHz operating frequency

          ■ Low-power, high-voltage drivers

          ■ 2 independently supplied half bridges for each channel in pulse wave (PW) mode

          – 5-level output waveform

          – ±2 A source and sink current

          – Down to 20 ps jitter

          – Anti-cross conduction function

          – Low 2nd harmonic distortion

          – Fine-tuning on propagation delay

          ■ Fully integrated clamping-to-ground function

          – 6 Ω synchronous active clamp

          – Anti-leakage on output node

          ■ Dedicated half bridge for continuous wave (CW) mode on each

          – Down to 0.1 W power consumption

          – ±0.6 A source and sink current

          – Down to 10 ps jitter

          ■ Fully integrated HV receiver switch

          – 13.5 Ω on resistance

          – HV MOS topology to minimize current consumption

          – Up to 300 MHz BW

          ■ 2.4 V to 3.6 V CMOS logic interface

          ■ Auxiliary integrated circuits

          – Noise blocking diodes

          – Fully self-biaising architecture

          – Anti-memory effect for all internal HV nodes

          – Thermal protection

          – Stand by function

          ■ Latch-up free due to HV SOI technology

          ■ Very few external passive components needed


          ■ Medical ultrasound imaging

          ■ Pulse waveform generator

          ■ NDT ultrasound transmission

          ■ Piezoelectric transducers driver





          關鍵詞: STHV ST 性能




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