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          EEPW首頁 > 醫(yī)療電子 > 設計應用 > Renesas V850ES-Jx3 移動心電圖(ECG)解決方案

          Renesas V850ES-Jx3 移動心電圖(ECG)解決方案

          作者: 時間:2012-08-28 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏
          (60.09 KB)



          A Mobile ECG (Electrocardiograph) is an advance over traditional electrocardiograph units. Its compact size and lightness provide portability, making it possible to measure and record cardiac dysrhythmia anywhere at any time. These small units allow medical personnel to identify cardiac irregularities early on and are very useful for examining patients. Today, though, they are now used not only by healthcare specialists but also by members of the general public.

          The measurement required to produce an electrocardiogram involves the detection of a variety of electrical potential readings from electrodes taped to the patient’s skin. The electrical potential between a pair of electrodes passes through a highly precise instrumentation amplifier and is read by an A/D converter. A compact electrocardiograph must always be ready to be transported to wherever needed and has to be able to perform reliable data recording. Thus, small size, minimal weight, and extended battery life are essential.

          The low-power MCUs in the M32C Family and V850ES/Jx3-L from Renesas Electronics are ideal for applications such as compact electrocardiographs. They integrate on-chip an A/D converter for sensor potential detection and provide an LCD drive circuit for the electrocardiogram’s display. This integration helps reduce the overall cost of the system and contributes to the ECG’s compact size, lightness, and long battery life..





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