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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > 關(guān)于keil MDK 的配置文件Configuration Wizard

          關(guān)于keil MDK 的配置文件Configuration Wizard

          作者: 時間:2016-11-17 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          keil MDK自帶的啟動代碼有一個優(yōu)勢就是可視化的配置選項,就是Configuration wizard選項,這樣就省去了我們手動輸入配置的問題。比如下面對于Memory的設(shè)計的Configuration界面:
          // Watchdog Timer Setup
          // Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON)
          // Prescaler Value <0-255>
          // Watchdog Timer Enable
          // Clock Division Factor
          // <0=> 16 <1=> 32 <2=> 64 <3=> 128
          // Interrupt Generation Enable
          // Reset Enable
          // Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT)
          // Count Reload Value <0-65535>
          // Watchdog Timer Setup



          yesHeading: the following options belong to a group.
          yesHeading with Enable: the following options belong to a group, which can be enabled via a checkbox.
          yesHeading with Enable: modifies a specific bit (bit 4, in this example).
          or yesHeading or Enable end.
          yesTool-tip help for previous item.
          yesOption for bit values which can be set via a checkbox.
          yesOption with selection or number entry.
          yesModify a range of bits (example: bit 4 to 5).
          yesmodify a single bit (example: bit 4).
          yesOption with ASCII string entry.
          yesOption with ASCII string entry and a size limit of 10 characters.
          <0-31>noValue range for option fields.
          <0-100:10>noValue range for option fields with step 10.
          <0x40-0x1000:0x10>noValue range in hex format and step 10.
          <0=>yesValue and text for selection.
          <#+1> <#-1>
          <#*8> <#/3>
          novalue modification (add, sub, mul, div) before number is merged into field.

          另外還有一個重要的一點:如果想要顯示Configuration Wizard



          另外在還有一個可選的命令表示Configuration Wizard的結(jié)束:




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