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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > PIC單片機(jī) 配置位如何寫 (MPLAB X集成開發(fā)環(huán)境,XC編譯器)

          PIC單片機(jī) 配置位如何寫 (MPLAB X集成開發(fā)環(huán)境,XC編譯器)

          作者: 時(shí)間:2016-11-13 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          1:MPALB X IDE用戶指南里面例子的配置位寫法:
          2:根據(jù)MPALB X IDE用戶指南里面的描述,可以自動生成配置位的代碼
          3:根據(jù)MPALB X IDE用戶指南,說明配置位的編寫是和編譯器相關(guān)的,因此我們看編譯器的說明文檔

          16F877A Support Information

          #pragma config Usage

          #pragma config =

          For example:
          // Brown-out Reset Enable bit: BOR disabled
          // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit: Data EEPROM code protection off
          // In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit: In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
          // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits: Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
          // Oscillator Selection bits: XT oscillator
          // Watchdog Timer Enable bit: WDT disabled
          // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit: Code protection off
          // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit: RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
          // Power-up Timer Enable bit: PWRT disabled
          #pragma config BOREN = OFF, CPD = OFF, DEBUG = OFF, WRT = OFF, FOSC = XT, WDTE = OFF, CP = OFF, LVP = OFF, PWRTE = OFF

          #pragma config =

          For example:
          // Brown-out Reset Enable bit: BOR disabled
          // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit: Data EEPROM code protection off
          // In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit: In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
          // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits: Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
          // Oscillator Selection bits: XT oscillator
          // Watchdog Timer Enable bit: WDT disabled
          // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit: Code protection off
          // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit: RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
          // Power-up Timer Enable bit: PWRT disabled
          #pragma config BOREN = 0x0, CPD = 0x1, DEBUG = 0x1, WRT = 0x3, FOSC = 0x1, WDTE = 0x0, CP = 0x1, LVP = 0x0, PWRTE = 0x1

          #pragma config =

          For example:
          // Brown-out Reset Enable bit: BOR disabled
          // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit: Data EEPROM code protection off
          // In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit: In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
          // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits: Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
          // Oscillator Selection bits: XT oscillator
          // Watchdog Timer Enable bit: WDT disabled
          // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit: Code protection off
          // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit: RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
          // Power-up Timer Enable bit: PWRT disabled
          #pragma config CONFIG = 0xFF39

          For example:
          // IDLOC @ 0x2000
          #pragma config IDLOC0 = 0x3FFF

          #pragma config Settings

          Register: CONFIG @ 0x2007

          BOREN =Brown-out Reset Enable bit
          OFFBOR disabled
          ONBOR enabled
          CPD =Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit
          OFFData EEPROM code protection off
          ONData EEPROM code-protected
          DEBUG =In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit
          OFFIn-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
          ONIn-Circuit Debugger enabled, RB6 and RB7 are dedicated to the debugger
          WRT =Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits
          OFFWrite protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
          HALF0000h to 0FFFh write-protected; 1000h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
          1FOURTH0000h to 07FFh write-protected; 0800h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
          2560000h to 00FFh write-protected; 0100h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
          FOSC =Oscillator Selection bits
          XTXT oscillator
          LPLP oscillator
          EXTRCRC oscillator
          HSHS oscillator
          WDTE =Watchdog Timer Enable bit
          OFFWDT disabled
          ONWDT enabled
          CP =Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit
          OFFCode protection off
          ONAll program memory code-protected
          LVP =Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit
          OFFRB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
          ONRB3/PGM pin has PGM function; low-voltage programming enabled
          PWRTE =Power-up Timer Enable bit
          OFFPWRT disabled
          ONPWRT enabled

          Register: IDLOC0 @ 0x2000

          Register: IDLOC1 @ 0x2001

          Register: IDLOC2 @ 0x2002

          Register: IDLOC3 @ 0x2003


          關(guān)鍵詞: PIC單片機(jī)配置



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