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          MSP430 Flash編程程序

          作者: 時間:2016-11-13 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          #define __FLASH__
          #define __HW_v_2_1__
          #include "flash.h"
          * This section contains all FLASH memory relevant functions: *
          * writeByte *
          * writeWord *
          * eraseFLASH *
          * saveInfoFlash *
          * changeInfo *
          * updateInfo *
          * *
          Function : flash_writeFLASH
          Parameter : *dst : address within the FLASH page
          value : BYTE that has to be written to FLASH
          Date : 08.09.2001 / 17.11.2002 / 22.11.2002
          Description : this function writes a byte to an address in FLASH memory
          warning: in FLASH only zeros can be written. if a bit value needs to be set to
          one from zero, the whole page has to be erased, thus setting all bits to one.
          then the value can be written correctly. this function does not perform the
          necessary FLASH page erase.
          void flash_writeByte(BYTE *dst, BYTE value)
          FCTL2 = FWKEY | FSSEL0 | 20; //clock source is MCLK, divisor is 20
          } while(FCTL3 & 0x0001); // wait for BUSY to reset
          FCTL3 = FWKEY; // reset the LOCK bit to enable program/erase
          FCTL1 = FWKEY | WRT; // set WRT for single acces

          *dst = value; // do the write as a byte


          Function : flash_writeWord
          Parameter : *dst : address within the FLASH page
          value : BYTE that has to be written to FLASH
          Date : 22.11.2002
          Description : this function writes a word to an address in FLASH memory
          warning: in FLASH only zeros can be written. if a bit value needs to be set to
          one from zero, the whole page has to be erased, thus setting all bits to one.
          then the value can be written correctly. this function does not perform the
          necessary FLASH page erase.
          void flash_writeWord(WORD *dst, WORD value)
          FCTL2 = FWKEY | FSSEL0 | 20; //clock source is MCLK, divisor is 20
          } while(FCTL3 & 0x0001); // wait for BUSY to reset
          FCTL3 = FWKEY; // reset the LOCK bit to enable program/erase
          FCTL1 = FWKEY | WRT; // set WRT for single acces

          *dst = value; // do the write as a word


          Function : flash_eraseFLASH
          Parameter : *seg : any address within the FLASH page that is to be erased
          Date : 08.09.2001 / 19.11.2002
          Description : this function erases a FLASH page
          void flash_eraseFLASH(BYTE *seg)
          FCTL2 = FWKEY | FSSEL0 | 20; //clock source is MCLK, divisor is 20
          } while(FCTL3 & 0x0001); // wait for BUSY to reset
          FCTL3 = FWKEY; // reset the LOCK bit to enable program/erase
          FCTL1 = FWKEY | ERASE; // set single segment erase function

          *seg = 0xFF; // do a dummy write to start erase

          FCTL3 = FWKEY | LOCK; // lock the flash again


          Function : flash_saveInfoFlash
          Parameter : *container : pointer to updated copy of data in RAM
          *flashPageBase : pointer to start of destination flash segment
          Date : 11.09.2002 / 26.11.2002
          Description : saves info flash page 0 to RAM (!!! works only for INFO flash access !!!)
          void flash_saveInfoFlash(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPageBase)
          BYTE i;

          flashPageBase = (BYTE*)((WORD)(flashPageBase) & 0xFF80); // wrap around for flash page base address

          container = *flashPage++;

          Function : flash_changeInfo
          Parameter : *container : pointer to updated copy of data in RAM
          *pointer : original pointer to variable that has to be updated
          value : new value for variable
          Date : 11.09.2002 / 26.11.2002
          Description : chages a word in the info flash 0 data (in RAM)
          void flash_changeInfo(BYTE* containerBase, BYTE *pointer, BYTE value)
          // pointer points into flash page to variable that is supposed to be changed
          // subtract flash page offset (0x1000) and add scratch pad offset
          pointer = (BYTE*)(((WORD)(pointer) & 0x7F) + (WORD)(containerBase));
          *pointer = value;

          Function : flash_update
          Parameter : *container : pointer to updated copy of data in RAM
          *flashPageBase : pointer to start of destination flash segment
          Date : 11.09.2002 / 26.11.2002
          Description : erases the flash page and writes the values from the RAM save area to flash
          (!!! works only in INFO flash !!!)
          void flash_updateInfo(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPageBase)
          // assumes prior saving and changing of flash data
          BYTE i;

          flashPageBase = (BYTE*)((WORD)(flashPageBase) & 0xFF80); // wrap around for flash page base address



          : copyright (c) Jean Randhahn :
          : Project : CANeye - Uni Rostock :
          : Compiler : IAR workbench GUI 2.31E / target descriptor v1.26A/WIN :
          : :
          : class : flash :
          : File name : flash.h :
          : Target hardware : MSP430F148/9 :
          : :
          : File Editor : J. Randhahn :
          : Created : 06.08.2002 :
          : :
          : Description : :
          : :
          : :
          : :
          : :
          : :
          : Modification history: :
          : :
          : :
          #ifndef __FLASH_H__
          #define __FLASH_H__

          #ifdef __FLASH__
          /*::::::::::::::::::::::::: START OF LOCAL PART ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/
          /*----------------------- LOCAL INCLUDES ---------------------------------------*/
          #include <msp430x14x.h>
          #include "type.h"

          /*----------------------- LOCAL DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------*/

          /*----------------------- LOCAL FUNCTION DECLARATIONS --------------------------*/
          void flash_eraseFLASH(BYTE *seg);
          void flash_writeWord(WORD *dst, WORD value);
          void flash_writeByte(BYTE *dst, BYTE value);
          void flash_saveInfoFlash(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPage);
          void flash_changeInfo(BYTE* containerBase, BYTE *pointer, BYTE value);
          void flash_updateInfo(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPageBase);

          /*----------------------- LOCAL CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES ------------------------*/

          /*----------------------- PUBLIC VARIABLES WITH INITIALISATION -----------------*/

          /*::::::::::::::::::::::::: END OF LOCAL PART ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/

          /*----------------------- PUBLIC VARIBALES INITIALIZED LOCALLY -----------------*/

          /*-------------------- PUBLIC DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------*/

          /*-------------------- PUBLIC CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES --------------------------*/

          /*-------------------- PUBLIC FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ----------------------------*/
          extern void flash_eraseFLASH(BYTE *seg);
          extern void flash_writeWord(WORD *dst, WORD value);
          extern void flash_writeByte(BYTE *dst, BYTE value);
          extern void flash_saveInfoFlash(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPage);
          extern void flash_changeInfo(BYTE* containerBase, BYTE *pointer, BYTE value);
          extern void flash_updateInfo(BYTE *container, BYTE *flashPageBase);

          /* START type definitions for convinience with microcontrollers ****************************/
          typedef unsigned char BYTE; /* 8 bits */
          typedef unsigned short WORD; /* 16 bits */
          typedef unsigned long LONGWORD; /* 32 bits */

          /* for dividing a WORD into two BYTEs */
          typedef union _WORD_BYTE
          { WORD w;
          BYTE b[2];
          } WORD_BYTE;

          關(guān)鍵詞: MSP430Flash編程程



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