LPC1114 UART收發(fā)實驗
// 發(fā)送字符函數
** Function name:UARTSendByte
** Descriptions:Send a block of data to the UART 0 port based
**on the data Byte
** parameters:send data
** Returned value:None
void UARTSendByte(uint8_t dat)
while ( !(LPC_UART->LSR & LSR_THRE) )
; // 等待數據發(fā)送完畢
LPC_UART->THR = dat;
// 接受字符函數
** Function name:UARTReceiveByte
** Descriptions:Receive a block of data to the UART 0 port based
**on the data Byte
** parameters:None
** Returned value:Byte
uint8_t UARTReceiveByte(void)
uint8_t rcvData;
while (!(LPC_UART->LSR & LSR_RDR))
; // 查詢數據是否接收完畢
rcvData = LPC_UART->RBR; // 接收數據
return (rcvData);
// 接收字符串函數
** Function name:UARTReceive
** Descriptions:Receive a block of data to the UART 0 port based
**on the data Length
** parameters:buffer pointer, and data length
** Returned value:Note
void UARTReceive(uint8_t *BufferPtr, uint32_t Length)
while (Length--)
*BufferPtr++ = UARTReceiveByte(); // 把數據放入緩沖
// 主函數
int main(void) {
// TODO: insert code here
uint8_t ch = 0;
LPC_UART->IER = IER_THRE | IER_RLS; // 設置中斷使能寄存器
UARTSend((uint8_t *)Buffer, 10);
while (1)
ch = UARTReceiveByte(); // 接收字符
if (ch != 0x00)
UARTSendByte(ch); // 發(fā)送接收數據
// Enter an infinite loop, just incrementing a counter
volatile static int i = 0 ;
while(1) {
i++ ;
return 0 ;
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