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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > NXP_LPC1114延時(shí)函數(shù)集合


          作者: 時(shí)間:2016-11-29 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          #include "LPC11XX.h"
          #include "gpio.h"
          #include "timer16.h"
          void Delay_Us(unsigned int DelayTimes)
          /* * setup timer #1 for delay */
          //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<8); /*開啟定時(shí)器Timer16_1時(shí)鐘--時(shí)鐘配置中開啟該時(shí)鐘*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x02; /* reset timer */
          LPC_TMR16B1->PR = 48; /* set prescaler to zero 根據(jù)AHB時(shí)鐘確定分頻值*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = DelayTimes; /* 所需的延時(shí)時(shí)間 */
          LPC_TMR16B1->IR = 0xff; /* reset all interrrupts 復(fù)位所有的中斷*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->MCR = 0x04; /* stop timer on match --達(dá)到匹配停止*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x01; /* start timer 啟動(dòng)定時(shí)器*/
          while (LPC_TMR16B1->TCR & 0x01); /*等待直到時(shí)間到*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x00; /* Close timer --關(guān)閉定時(shí)器*/
          void Delay_Ms(unsigned int DelayTimes)
          /* * setup timer #1 for delay */
          //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<8); //開啟定時(shí)器Timer16_1時(shí)鐘
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x02; /* reset timer */
          LPC_TMR16B1->PR = 48000; /* set prescaler to zero */
          LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = DelayTimes;
          LPC_TMR16B1->IR = 0xff; /* reset all interrrupts */
          LPC_TMR16B1->MCR = 0x04; /* stop timer on match */
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x01; /* start timer */
          while (LPC_TMR16B1->TCR & 0x01); /*等待直到時(shí)間到*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x00; /* Close timer */
          void Delay_Sec(unsigned char DelayTimes)
          /* * setup timer #1 for delay */
          //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<8); //開啟定時(shí)器Timer16_1時(shí)鐘
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x02; /* reset timer */
          LPC_TMR16B1->PR = 48000000; /* set prescaler to zero */
          LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = DelayTimes;
          LPC_TMR16B1->IR = 0xff; /* reset all interrrupts */
          LPC_TMR16B1->MCR = 0x04; /* stop timer on match */
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x01; /* start timer */
          while (LPC_TMR16B1->TCR & 0x01); /*等待直到時(shí)間到*/
          LPC_TMR16B1->TCR = 0x00; /* Close timer */

          關(guān)鍵詞: NXPLPC1114延時(shí)函



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