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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > STC89C52單片機(jī)驅(qū)動CC1101無線模塊的發(fā)送C語言程序


          作者: 時間:2016-11-30 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          #include #define INT8U unsigned char#define INT16 Uunsigned int#define WRITE_BURST     0x40//連續(xù)寫入#define READ_SINGLE     0x80//讀#define READ_BURST      0xC0//連續(xù)讀#define BYTES_IN_RXFIFO     0x7F  //接收緩沖區(qū)的有效字節(jié)數(shù)#define CRC_OK              0x80 //CRC校驗(yàn)通過位標(biāo)志//**************CC1100接口*********sbit GDO0=P3^3;sbit GDO2=P1^4;sbit MISO=P1^2;sbit MOSI=P1^1;sbit SCK=P3^2;sbit CSN=P1^3;//***********按鍵****************sbit    KEY1    =P3^6;sbit    KEY2    =P3^7;//***************數(shù)碼管位選****************sbitled3=P2^0;sbitled2=P2^1;sbitled1=P2^2;sbitled0=P2^3;//***************蜂鳴器***********************sbit BELL=P3^4;//***************溫度傳感器*****************sbit      DQ=P3^5  ;//********************************************INT8U seg[10]={0xC0,0xCF,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xF8,0x80,0x90};         //0~~9段碼INT8U seg1[10]={0x40,0x4F,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0x78,0x00,0x10};INT8U data temp_data[2]={0x00,0x00};INT8U dispaly[8];//更多功率參數(shù)設(shè)置可詳細(xì)參考DATACC1100英文文檔中第48-49頁的參數(shù)表INT8U PaTabel[8] = {0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60};  //0dBmvoid SpiInit(void);void CpuInit(void);void RESET_CC1100(void);void POWER_UP_RESET_CC1100(void);void halSpiWriteReg(INT8U addr, INT8U value);void halSpiWriteBurstReg(INT8U addr, INT8U *buffer, INT8U count);void halSpiStrobe(INT8U strobe);INT8U halSpiReadReg(INT8U addr);void halSpiReadBurstReg(INT8U addr, INT8U *buffer, INT8U count);INT8U halSpiReadStatus(INT8U addr);void halRfWriteRfSettings(void);void halRfSendPacket(INT8U *txBuffer, INT8U size);INT8U halRfReceivePacket(INT8U *rxBuffer, INT8U *length);  //****************void delay1(INT16U i);void ds_reset(void);void write_byte(INT8U value);INT8U read_byte(void);void read_temp();void work_temp();//********************// CC1100 STROBE, CONTROL AND STATUS REGSITER#define CCxxx0_IOCFG2       0x00        // GDO2 output pin configuration#define CCxxx0_IOCFG1       0x01        // GDO1 output pin configuration#define CCxxx0_IOCFG0       0x02        // GDO0 output pin configuration#define CCxxx0_FIFOTHR      0x03        // RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds#define CCxxx0_SYNC1        0x04        // Sync word, high INT8U#define CCxxx0_SYNC0        0x05        // Sync word, low INT8U#define CCxxx0_PKTLEN       0x06        // Packet length#define CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1     0x07        // Packet automation control#define CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0     0x08        // Packet automation control#define CCxxx0_ADDR         0x09        // Device address#define CCxxx0_CHANNR       0x0A        // Channel number#define CCxxx0_FSCTRL1      0x0B        // Frequency synthesizer control#define CCxxx0_FSCTRL0      0x0C        // Frequency synthesizer control#define CCxxx0_FREQ2        0x0D        // Frequency control word, high INT8U#define CCxxx0_FREQ1        0x0E        // Frequency control word, middle INT8U#define CCxxx0_FREQ0        0x0F        // Frequency control word, low INT8U#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG4      0x10        // Modem configuration#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG3      0x11        // Modem configuration#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG2      0x12        // Modem configuration#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG1      0x13        // Modem configuration#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG0      0x14        // Modem configuration#define CCxxx0_DEVIATN      0x15        // Modem deviation setting#define CCxxx0_MCSM2        0x16        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration#define CCxxx0_MCSM1        0x17        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration#define CCxxx0_MCSM0        0x18        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration#define CCxxx0_FOCCFG       0x19        // Frequency Offset Compensation configuration#define CCxxx0_BSCFG        0x1A        // Bit Synchronization configuration#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2     0x1B        // AGC control#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1     0x1C        // AGC control#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0     0x1D        // AGC control#define CCxxx0_WOREVT1      0x1E        // High INT8U Event 0 timeout#define CCxxx0_WOREVT0      0x1F        // Low INT8U Event 0 timeout#define CCxxx0_WORCTRL      0x20        // Wake On Radio control#define CCxxx0_FREND1       0x21        // Front end RX configuration#define CCxxx0_FREND0       0x22        // Front end TX configuration#define CCxxx0_FSCAL3       0x23        // Frequency synthesizer calibration#define CCxxx0_FSCAL2       0x24        // Frequency synthesizer calibration#define CCxxx0_FSCAL1       0x25        // Frequency synthesizer calibration#define CCxxx0_FSCAL0       0x26        // Frequency synthesizer calibration#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL1      0x27        // RC oscillator configuration#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL0      0x28        // RC oscillator configuration#define CCxxx0_FSTEST       0x29        // Frequency synthesizer calibration control#define CCxxx0_PTEST        0x2A        // Production test#define CCxxx0_AGCTEST      0x2B        // AGC test#define CCxxx0_TEST2        0x2C        // Various test settings#define CCxxx0_TEST1        0x2D        // Various test settings#define CCxxx0_TEST0        0x2E        // Various test settings// Strobe commands#define CCxxx0_SRES         0x30        // Reset chip.#define CCxxx0_SFSTXON      0x31        // Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1).// If in RX/TX: Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is// running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).#define CCxxx0_SXOFF        0x32        // Turn off crystal oscillator.#define CCxxx0_SCAL         0x33        // Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off// (enables quick start).#define CCxxx0_SRX          0x34        // Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and// MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.#define CCxxx0_STX          0x35        // In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if// MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. If in RX state and CCA is enabled:// Only go to TX if channel is clear.#define CCxxx0_SIDLE        0x36        // Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit// Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable.#define CCxxx0_SAFC         0x37        // Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer#define CCxxx0_SWOR         0x38        // Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio)#define CCxxx0_SPWD         0x39        // Enter power down mode when CSn goes high.#define CCxxx0_SFRX         0x3A        // Flush the RX FIFO buffer.#define CCxxx0_SFTX         0x3B        // Flush the TX FIFO buffer.#define CCxxx0_SWORRST      0x3C        // Reset real time clock.#define CCxxx0_SNOP         0x3D        // No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two// INT8Us for simpler software.#define CCxxx0_PARTNUM      0x30#define CCxxx0_VERSION      0x31#define CCxxx0_FREQEST      0x32#define CCxxx0_LQI          0x33#define CCxxx0_RSSI         0x34#define CCxxx0_MARCSTATE    0x35#define CCxxx0_WORTIME1     0x36#define CCxxx0_WORTIME0     0x37#define CCxxx0_PKTSTATUS    0x38#define CCxxx0_VCO_VC_DAC   0x39#define CCxxx0_TXBYTES      0x3A#define CCxxx0_RXBYTES      0x3B#define CCxxx0_PATABLE      0x3E#define CCxxx0_TXFIFO       0x3F#define CCxxx0_RXFIFO       0x3F// RF_SETTINGS is a data structure which contains all relevant CCxxx0 registerstypedef struct S_RF_SETTINGS{INT8U FSCTRL2;//INT8U FSCTRL1;   // Frequency synthesizer control.INT8U FSCTRL0;   // Frequency synthesizer control.INT8U FREQ2;     // Frequency control word, high INT8U.INT8U FREQ1;     // Frequency control word, middle INT8U.INT8U FREQ0;     // Frequency control word, low INT8U.INT8U MDMCFG4;   // Modem configuration.INT8U MDMCFG3;   // Modem configuration.INT8U MDMCFG2;   // Modem configuration.INT8U MDMCFG1;   // Modem configuration.INT8U MDMCFG0;   // Modem configuration.INT8U CHANNR;    // Channel number.INT8U DEVIATN;   // Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled).INT8U FREND1;    // Front end RX configuration.INT8U FREND0;    // Front end RX configuration.INT8U MCSM0;     // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.INT8U FOCCFG;    // Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration.INT8U BSCFG;     // Bit synchronization Configuration.INT8U AGCCTRL2;  // AGC control.INT8U AGCCTRL1;  // AGC control.INT8U AGCCTRL0;  // AGC control.INT8U FSCAL3;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.INT8U FSCAL2;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.INT8U FSCAL1;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.INT8U FSCAL0;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.INT8U FSTEST;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration controlINT8U TEST2;     // Various test settings.INT8U TEST1;     // Various test settings.INT8U TEST0;     // Various test settings.INT8U IOCFG2;    // GDO2 output pin configurationINT8U IOCFG0;    // GDO0 output pin configurationINT8U PKTCTRL1;  // Packet automation control.INT8U PKTCTRL0;  // Packet automation control.INT8U ADDR;      // Device address.INT8U PKTLEN;    // Packet length.} RF_SETTINGS;
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