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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > 基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)編碼的多信源組播通信系統(tǒng),包括源代碼,原理圖等(四)


          作者: 時(shí)間:2016-12-06 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏





          圖4-1,圖4-2和圖4-3分別是編碼、轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)以及解碼路由器三個(gè)系統(tǒng)的verilog代碼樹(shù)狀圖,除去MAC層和core generator產(chǎn)生的代碼,代碼量有11,000行。附錄給出了編碼路由器和解碼路由器中的關(guān)鍵代碼。

          圖4-1 編碼路由器代碼樹(shù)狀圖

          圖4-2 轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)路由器代碼樹(shù)狀圖

          圖4-3 解碼路由器代碼樹(shù)狀圖


          1:編碼路由器核心代碼:編碼模塊: payload_router.v


          // vim:set shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 expandtab:

          // Copyright(c) 2009, All rights reserved.

          // Advanced Network technology Lab, Shenzhen graduated school of PKU

          // Module: payload_router.v

          // Project: nf2_coding.ise

          // Time and Author: 2009-12-25 liyining

          // Description:determine whether should carry out coding operation, and route

          // the packets


          `define DLY 1

          `timescale 1ns/1ns

          module payload_router

          #(parameter DATAWIDTH = 64,

          parameter CTRLWIDTH = DATAWIDTH / 8 //bit-width parameter



          //payload fifo 1 port

          input [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_payloadfifo_router_1,

          input [CTRLWIDTH - 1:0] ctrl_payloadfifo_router_1,

          input empty_payloadfifo_router_1,

          output reg rd_en_payloadfifo_router_1,

          //payload fifo 2 port

          input [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_payloadfifo_router_2,

          input [CTRLWIDTH - 1:0] ctrl_payloadfifo_router_2,

          input empty_payloadfifo_router_2,

          output reg rd_en_payloadfifo_router_2,

          //multiplier 1 port

          input rdy_router_multiplier_1,

          output reg [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_router_multiplier_1,

          output reg first_dword_1, //flag to indicate the start of a pkt. only when it is the first double word of a pkt, should the random number be updated.

          output reg val_router_multiplier_1,

          //multiplier 2 port

          input rdy_router_multiplier_2,

          output reg [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_router_multiplier_2,

          output reg first_dword_2, //flag to indicate the start of a pkt. only when it is the first double word of a pkt, should the random number be updated.

          output reg val_router_multiplier_2,

          //rand number generator port

          output reg rand_num_en, //enable the random number generator

          input rand_num_val,

          //packing fifo port

          input rdy_router_packingfifo,

          input empty_packingfifo, // only when the whole last pkt is sent out, and the packing fifo is empty, then proceed the next pkt

          output reg [DATAWIDTH + CTRLWIDTH:0] data_router_packingfifo, //an extra bit(MSB) to indicate whether it is a coded pkt

          output reg val_router_packingfifo,

          output reg [2:0] router_status, //send router_status to packing_fifo, indicate where to get data


          input clk,

          input rst_n


          reg [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_temp1;

          reg [CTRLWIDTH - 1:0] ctrl_temp1;

          reg [DATAWIDTH - 1:0] data_temp2;

          reg [CTRLWIDTH - 1:0] ctrl_temp2;

          reg [1:0] counter_getdata; //counter for the read-FIFO-delay, 1 clock circle

          parameter JUDGE = 3'b000;

          parameter GET_DATA2 = 3'b001;

          parameter SEND_DATA2 = 3'b010;

          parameter GET_DATA1 = 3'b011;

          parameter SEND_DATA1 = 3'b100;

          parameter GET_BOTH = 3b101;

          上一頁(yè) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 下一頁(yè)

          關(guān)鍵詞: 源代碼原理



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