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          作者: 時(shí)間:2024-03-18 來源:電子森林 收藏










          • 發(fā)射光:血氧傳感器發(fā)射兩種不同波長的光,通常是紅光和紅外光。這兩種波長的光可被血紅蛋白分別吸收。紅光波長大約在600-700納米范圍內(nèi),而紅外光波長大約在800-1000納米范圍內(nèi)。
          • 光的吸收:發(fā)射的光通過皮膚照射到血液中。在經(jīng)過皮膚的組織和血液后,光會被血紅蛋白吸收。被氧合的血紅蛋白和脫氧的血紅蛋白對紅光和紅外光的吸收程度不同。
          • 光的檢測:血氧傳感器通過相應(yīng)的光電傳感器測量經(jīng)過皮膚反射回來的光的強(qiáng)度。光電傳感器會測量紅光和紅外光的強(qiáng)度,并將其轉(zhuǎn)換為電信號。
          • 數(shù)據(jù)處理:血氧傳感器會對紅光和紅外光的強(qiáng)度進(jìn)行比較和計(jì)算,以確定血液中氧氣的飽和度。通過比較兩種光的吸收差異,可以推導(dǎo)出血氧飽和度的估計(jì)值。


          1 臨床監(jiān)護(hù):血氧傳感器常用于臨床監(jiān)護(hù)中,例如在手術(shù)室、急診室和重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房。通過監(jiān)測患者的血氧飽和度(SPO2)水平,醫(yī)護(hù)人員可以實(shí)時(shí)了解患者的氧氣供應(yīng)情況,及時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)并處理低氧血癥或窒息等問題,確?;颊叩陌踩?。

          2 睡眠呼吸監(jiān)測:血氧傳感器被廣泛應(yīng)用于睡眠呼吸監(jiān)測領(lǐng)域。睡眠時(shí),佩戴血氧傳感器的設(shè)備(如脈搏氧飽和度儀)能夠監(jiān)測睡眠者的血氧水平。通過分析血氧飽和度數(shù)據(jù),醫(yī)生或睡眠專家可以評估睡眠質(zhì)量、檢測睡眠呼吸暫停等呼吸障礙,并為患者提供相應(yīng)的治療建議。

          3 慢性阻塞性肺疾?。–OPD)管理:COPD患者常使用血氧傳感器來管理他們的疾病。他們可以在家中使用脈搏氧飽和度儀來測量自己的血氧水平,并追蹤數(shù)據(jù)的變化。這有助于監(jiān)測疾病的進(jìn)展、評估治療效果,并及時(shí)采取相應(yīng)的措施,如調(diào)整藥物劑量或進(jìn)行氧療。

          4 家庭健康監(jiān)測:現(xiàn)代的脈搏氧飽和度儀(Pulse Oximeter)通常集成了血氧傳感器,被廣泛應(yīng)用于家庭健康監(jiān)測場景。人們可以通過在家中使用這種設(shè)備來監(jiān)測自己或家人的血氧水平,以及心率等信息。這對于早期發(fā)現(xiàn)可能存在的呼吸系統(tǒng)問題、心血管疾病和睡眠呼吸暫停等狀況非常有幫助。此外,一些健康追蹤設(shè)備和智能手表也集成了血氧傳感器,能夠提供用戶的血氧飽和度數(shù)據(jù),幫助用戶更好地了解自己的健康狀況。

          5 高海拔登山:登山者在攀登高海拔地區(qū)時(shí)通常會面臨低氧環(huán)境。血氧傳感器被用于監(jiān)測登山者的血氧水平,幫助他們了解身體在高海拔環(huán)境下的氧氣供應(yīng)情況。這樣的信息可以幫助他們判斷是否需要停止攀登或采取其他適當(dāng)?shù)男袆觼肀苊飧呱讲〉葷撛陲L(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

          6 運(yùn)動訓(xùn)練和健身監(jiān)測:血氧傳感器在運(yùn)動訓(xùn)練和健身監(jiān)測中起著重要作用。運(yùn)動員可以使用集成了血氧傳感器的可穿戴設(shè)備,如智能手表或運(yùn)動耳機(jī),來監(jiān)測他們的血氧水平和心率等數(shù)據(jù)。這些數(shù)據(jù)可以幫助運(yùn)動員和教練員了解身體在運(yùn)動過程中的氧氣攝取能力和運(yùn)動耐力水平,并進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的訓(xùn)練調(diào)整。此外,血氧傳感器還可以幫助跑步愛好者監(jiān)測自己的運(yùn)動表現(xiàn),提供健身指導(dǎo)和優(yōu)化跑步計(jì)劃。

          Maxim Integrated :Maxim Integrated是一家知名的集成電路設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)公司,提供多種心率傳感器芯片和模塊。其中,MAX30102是一款常見的心率傳感器模塊,集成了紅外LED、紅光LED和光電傳感器,適用于便攜設(shè)備和健康監(jiān)測設(shè)備等應(yīng)用。

          Texas Instruments(TI):TI是一家全球領(lǐng)先的半導(dǎo)體公司,提供多款生物傳感器芯片和模塊。AFE4404是TI的一款心率監(jiān)測芯片,集成了紅外LED、綠光LED、光電傳感器和ADC等功能,可實(shí)現(xiàn)高精度的心率和血氧濃度測量。

          Analog Devices(ADI):ADI是一家知名的模擬與數(shù)字混合信號處理技術(shù)供應(yīng)商,提供多種生物傳感器芯片和模塊。AD8232是ADI的一款心率傳感器芯片,專為心電圖(ECG)采集設(shè)計(jì),具備高性能和低功耗特點(diǎn)。

          Nellcor (Medtronic):Nellcor是Medtronic旗下的品牌,專注于提供高質(zhì)量的血氧傳感器芯片和模塊。他們的SpO2傳感器采用專有的信號處理算法,具有高靈敏度和抗干擾能力。Nellcor的血氧傳感器在醫(yī)療領(lǐng)域廣泛應(yīng)用,包括重癥監(jiān)護(hù)、手術(shù)室和急診等環(huán)境。

          NXP Semiconductors:NXP Semiconductors是一家全球領(lǐng)先的半導(dǎo)體解決方案提供商,他們提供適用于醫(yī)療應(yīng)用的心率、血氧和心電圖傳感器芯片。

          Silicon Labs:Silicon Labs是一家專注于集成電路解決方案的公司,他們提供用于生物傳感器應(yīng)用的芯片產(chǎn)品,包括心率、血氧和心電圖傳感器芯片。








          • init.py
          • circular_buffer.py
          • spo2cal.py
          • HR_SpO2.py



              # -*-coding:utf-8     # 25 samples per second (in algorithm.h)
             SAMPLE_FREQ = 25
             # taking moving average of 4 samples when calculating HR    # in algorithm.h, "DONOT CHANGE" comment is attached
             MA_SIZE = 4
             # sampling frequency * 4 (in algorithm.h)
             BUFFER_SIZE = 100 
               # this assumes ir_data and red_data as np.array
             def calc_hr_and_spo2(ir_data, red_data):
                 By detecting  peaks of PPG cycle and corresponding AC/DC
                 of red/infra-red signal, the an_ratio for the SPO2 is computed.
                 # get dc mean
                 ir_mean = int(sum(ir_data) / len(ir_data))         # remove DC mean and inver signal        # this lets peak detecter detect valley
                 x = [ir_mean - x for x in ir_data]         # 4 point moving average        # x is np.array with int values, so automatically casted to int
                 for i in range(len(x) - MA_SIZE):
                     x[i] = sum(x[i:i + MA_SIZE]) / MA_SIZE
                   # calculate threshold
                 n_th = int(sum(x) / len(x))
                 n_th = 30 if n_th < 30 else n_th  # min allowed
                 n_th = 60 if n_th > 60 else n_th  # max allowed
                 ir_valley_locs, n_peaks = find_peaks(x, BUFFER_SIZE, n_th, 4, 15)
                 # print(ir_valley_locs[:n_peaks], ",", end="")
                 peak_interval_sum = 0
                 if n_peaks >= 2:
                     for i in range(1, n_peaks):
                         peak_interval_sum += (ir_valley_locs[i] - ir_valley_locs[i - 1])
                     peak_interval_sum = int(peak_interval_sum / (n_peaks - 1))
                     hr = int(SAMPLE_FREQ * 60 / peak_interval_sum)
                     hr_valid = True        else:
                     hr = -999  # unable to calculate because # of peaks are too small
                     hr_valid = False
                   # ---------spo2---------         # find precise min near ir_valley_locs (???)
                 exact_ir_valley_locs_count = n_peaks
                   # find ir-red DC and ir-red AC for SPO2 calibration ratio        # find AC/DC maximum of raw
                   # FIXME: needed??
                 for i in range(exact_ir_valley_locs_count):
                     if ir_valley_locs[i] > BUFFER_SIZE:
                         spo2 = -999  # do not use SPO2 since valley loc is out of range
                         spo2_valid = False                return hr, hr_valid, spo2, spo2_valid
                 i_ratio_count = 0
                 ratio = []         # find max between two valley locations        # and use ratio between AC component of Ir and Red DC component of Ir and Red for SpO2
                 red_dc_max_index = -1
                 ir_dc_max_index = -1
                 for k in range(exact_ir_valley_locs_count - 1):
                     red_dc_max = -16777216
                     ir_dc_max = -16777216
                     if ir_valley_locs[k + 1] - ir_valley_locs[k] > 3:
                         for i in range(ir_valley_locs[k], ir_valley_locs[k + 1]):
                             if ir_data[i] > ir_dc_max:
                                 ir_dc_max = ir_data[i]
                                 ir_dc_max_index = i                    if red_data[i] > red_dc_max:
                                 red_dc_max = red_data[i]
                                 red_dc_max_index = i
                         red_ac = int((red_data[ir_valley_locs[k + 1]] - red_data[ir_valley_locs[k]]) * (red_dc_max_index - ir_valley_locs[k]))
                         red_ac = red_data[ir_valley_locs[k]] + int(red_ac / (ir_valley_locs[k + 1] - ir_valley_locs[k]))
                         red_ac = red_data[red_dc_max_index] - red_ac  # subtract linear DC components from raw
                         ir_ac = int((ir_data[ir_valley_locs[k + 1]] - ir_data[ir_valley_locs[k]]) * (ir_dc_max_index - ir_valley_locs[k]))
                         ir_ac = ir_data[ir_valley_locs[k]] + int(ir_ac / (ir_valley_locs[k + 1] - ir_valley_locs[k]))
                         ir_ac = ir_data[ir_dc_max_index] - ir_ac  # subtract linear DC components from raw
                         nume = red_ac * ir_dc_max
                         denom = ir_ac * red_dc_max                if (denom > 0 and i_ratio_count < 5) and nume != 0:
                             # original cpp implementation uses overflow intentionally.                    # but at 64-bit OS, Pyhthon 3.X uses 64-bit int and nume*100/denom does not trigger overflow                    # so using bit operation ( &0xffffffff ) is needed
                             ratio.append(int(((nume * 100) & 0xffffffff) / denom))
                             i_ratio_count += 1         # choose median value since PPG signal may vary from beat to beat
                 ratio = sorted(ratio)  # sort to ascending order
                 mid_index = int(i_ratio_count / 2) 
                 ratio_ave = 0
                 if mid_index > 1:
                     ratio_ave = int((ratio[mid_index - 1] + ratio[mid_index]) / 2)
                     if len(ratio) != 0:
                         ratio_ave = ratio[mid_index]         # why 184?
                 # print("ratio average: ", ratio_ave)
                 if ratio_ave > 2 and ratio_ave < 184:
                     # -45.060 * ratioAverage * ratioAverage / 10000 + 30.354 * ratioAverage / 100 + 94.845
                     spo2 = -45.060 * (ratio_ave ** 2) / 10000.0 + 30.054 * ratio_ave / 100.0 + 94.845
                     spo2_valid = True        else:
                     spo2 = -999
                     spo2_valid = False
                   return hr - 20, hr_valid, spo2, spo2_valid
             def find_peaks(x, size, min_height, min_dist, max_num):
                 Find at most MAX_NUM peaks above MIN_HEIGHT separated by at least MIN_DISTANCE
                 ir_valley_locs, n_peaks = find_peaks_above_min_height(x, size, min_height, max_num)
                 ir_valley_locs, n_peaks = remove_close_peaks(n_peaks, ir_valley_locs, x, min_dist) 
                 n_peaks = min([n_peaks, max_num])         return ir_valley_locs, n_peaks
             def find_peaks_above_min_height(x, size, min_height, max_num):
                 Find all peaks above MIN_HEIGHT
                 i = 0
                 n_peaks = 0
                 ir_valley_locs = []  # [0 for i in range(max_num)]
                 while i < size - 1:
                     if x[i] > min_height and x[i] > x[i - 1]:  # find the left edge of potential peaks
                         n_width = 1
                         # original condition i+n_width < size may cause IndexError                # so I changed the condition to i+n_width < size - 1
                         while i + n_width < size - 1 and x[i] == x[i + n_width]:  # find flat peaks
                             n_width += 1
                         if x[i] > x[i + n_width] and n_peaks < max_num:  # find the right edge of peaks                    # ir_valley_locs[n_peaks] = i
                             n_peaks += 1  # original uses post increment
                             i += n_width + 1
                             i += n_width            else:
                         i += 1         return ir_valley_locs, n_peaks
             def remove_close_peaks(n_peaks, ir_valley_locs, x, min_dist):
                 Remove peaks separated by less than MIN_DISTANCE
                 """         # should be equal to maxim_sort_indices_descend        # order peaks from large to small
                 # should ignore index:0
                 sorted_indices = sorted(ir_valley_locs, key=lambda i: x[i])
                 sorted_indices.reverse()         # this "for" loop expression does not check finish condition        # for i in range(-1, n_peaks):
                 i = -1
                 while i < n_peaks:
                     old_n_peaks = n_peaks
                     n_peaks = i + 1
                     # this "for" loop expression does not check finish condition            # for j in (i + 1, old_n_peaks):
                     j = i + 1
                     while j < old_n_peaks:
                         n_dist = (sorted_indices[j] - sorted_indices[i]) if i != -1 else (sorted_indices[j] + 1)  # lag-zero peak of autocorr is at index -1
                         if n_dist > min_dist or n_dist < -1 * min_dist:
                             sorted_indices[n_peaks] = sorted_indices[j]
                             n_peaks += 1  # original uses post increment
                         j += 1
                     i += 1 
                 sorted_indices[:n_peaks] = sorted(sorted_indices[:n_peaks])         return sorted_indices, n_peaks
               if __name__ == "__main__":
                 hr, hrb, sp, spb = calc_hr_and_spo2([12853, 15573, 15580, 15586, 15587, 15567, 15520, 15480, 15464, 15460, 15462, 15466, 15473, 15479, 15485, 15490, 15495, 15503, 15512, 15518, 15521, 15521, 15518, 15517, 15522, 15527, 15536, 15547, 15558, 15568, 15577, 15587, 15594, 15604, 15610, 15616, 15620, 15624, 15625, 15615, 15576, 15531, 15508, 15500, 15502, 15509, 15516, 15523, 15528, 15533, 15538, 15547, 15556, 15564, 15564, 15560, 15556, 15556, 15559, 15564, 15570, 15579, 15588, 15599, 15610, 15619, 15628, 15635, 15642, 15649, 15655, 15662, 15669, 15672, 15661, 15621, 15571, 15546, 15537, 15538, 15545, 15553, 15560, 15565, 15570, 15577, 15585, 15593, 15600, 15601, 15597, 15592, 15591, 15594, 15600, 15608, 15617, 15626, 15633, 15640], [12258, 14318, 14322, 14324, 14326, 14317, 14299, 14284, 14280, 14279, 14280, 14283, 14285, 14288, 14292, 14294, 14297, 14299, 14302, 14304, 14305, 14305, 14304, 14304, 14306, 14308, 14311, 14316, 14321, 14325, 14329, 14333, 14329, 14329, 14332, 14335, 14336, 14338, 14338, 14333, 14315, 14295, 14286, 14283, 14285, 14288, 14292, 14295, 14297, 14298, 14301, 14305, 14309, 14312, 14312, 14310, 14308, 14308, 14309, 14312, 14315, 14318, 14322, 14327, 14332, 14336, 14341, 14344, 14347, 14350, 14351, 14354, 14357, 14359, 14353, 14335, 14313, 14304, 14300, 14302, 14305, 14309, 14312, 14314, 14316, 14319, 14323, 14326, 14329, 14329, 14326, 14325, 14324, 14326, 14328, 14332, 14336, 14341, 14345, 14349]) 
                 print("hr detected:", hrb)
                 print("sp detected:", spb)         if (hrb == True and hr != -999):
                     hr2 = int(hr)
                     print("Heart Rate : ", hr2)
                 if (spb == True and sp != -999):
                     sp2 = int(sp)
                     print("SPO2       : ", sp2) 


              from machine import SoftI2C, Pin, Timer
             from utime import ticks_diff, ticks_us
             from max30102 import MAX30102, MAX30105_PULSE_AMP_MEDIUM
             from spo2cal import calc_hr_and_spo2
             BEATS = 0  # 存儲心率
             FINGER_FLAG = False  # 默認(rèn)表示未檢測到手指
             SPO2 = 0  # 存儲血氧
             TEMPERATURE = 0  # 存儲溫度
             def display_info(t):
                 # 如果沒有檢測到手指,那么就不顯示        if FINGER_FLAG is False:
                 print('Heart Rate: ', BEATS, " SpO2:", SPO2, " Temperture:", TEMPERATURE) 
             def main():
                 global BEATS, FINGER_FLAG, SPO2, TEMPERATURE  # 如果需要對全局變量修改,則需要global聲明
                   # 創(chuàng)建I2C對象(檢測MAX30102)
                 i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(16), scl=Pin(17), freq=400000)  # Fast: 400kHz, slow: 100kHz
                   # 創(chuàng)建傳感器對象
                 sensor = MAX30102(i2c=i2c)         # 檢測是否有傳感器        if sensor.i2c_address not in i2c.scan():
                 elif not (sensor.check_part_id()):
                     # 檢查傳感器是否兼容
                     print("傳感器已識別到")         # 配置
                 t_start = ticks_us()  # Starting time of the acquisition
                 MAX_HISTORY = 32
                 history = []
                 beats_history = []
                 beat = False
                 red_list = []
                 ir_list = []         while True:
                     if sensor.available():
                         # FIFO 先進(jìn)先出,從隊(duì)列中取數(shù)據(jù)。都是整形int
                         red_reading = sensor.pop_red_from_storage()
                         ir_reading = sensor.pop_ir_from_storage()                 if red_reading < 1000:
                             print('No finger')
                             FINGER_FLAG = False  # 表示沒有放手指                    continue
                             FINGER_FLAG = True  # 表示手指已放
                           # 計(jì)算心率
                         history.append(red_reading)                 # 為了防止列表過大,這里取列表的后32個(gè)元素
                         history = history[-MAX_HISTORY:]                 # 提取必要數(shù)據(jù)
                         minima, maxima = min(history), max(history)
                         threshold_on = (minima + maxima * 3) // 4   # 3/4
                         threshold_off = (minima + maxima) // 2      # 1/2                 if not beat and red_reading > threshold_on:
                             beat = True                    
                             t_us = ticks_diff(ticks_us(), t_start)
                             t_s = t_us/1000000
                             f = 1/t_s
                             bpm = f * 60
                             if bpm < 500:
                                 t_start = ticks_us()
                                 beats_history = beats_history[-MAX_HISTORY:]   # 只保留最大30個(gè)元素?cái)?shù)據(jù)
                                 BEATS = round(sum(beats_history)/len(beats_history), 2)  # 四舍五入                if beat and red_reading < threshold_off:
                             beat = False
                           # 計(jì)算血氧
                         # 最多 只保留最新的100個(gè)
                         red_list = red_list[-100:]
                         ir_list = ir_list[-100:]
                         # 計(jì)算血氧值                if len(red_list) == 100 and len(ir_list) == 100:
                             hr, hrb, sp, spb = calc_hr_and_spo2(red_list, ir_list)
                             if hrb is True and spb is True:
                                 if sp != -999:
                                     SPO2 = int(sp)                 # 計(jì)算溫度
                         TEMPERATURE = sensor.read_temperature() 
               if __name__ == '__main__': 
                 tim = Timer(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=display_info) 


          關(guān)鍵詞: 血氧傳感器



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