本文介紹了NCP1308主要特性, 內(nèi)部電路架構(gòu)圖, 典型應(yīng)用電路圖以及50W四輸出機頂盒(STB)電源電路圖和材料清單(BOM).
Free-Running Borderline/Critical Mode Quasi-Resonant Operation
Current-Mode with Adjustable Skip Cycle Capability
Dynamic Self-Supply Type of VCC
Auto-Recovery Overcurrent Protection
Improved UVLO for VCC below 10 V
Latching Overvoltage Protection on VCC
500 mA Peak Current Source/Sink Capability
Internal 1.0 ms Soft-Start
Internal 10us Minimum TOFF
Adjustable Skip Level
Internal Temperature Shutdown
Internal Leading Edge Blanking
Direct Optocoupler Connection
SPICE Models Available for TRANsient Analysis
This is a Pb-Free Device
AC-DC Adapters for Notebooks, etc.
Offline Battery Chargers
Consumer Electronics (DVD Players, Set-Top Boxes, TVs, etc.)
Auxiliary Power Supplies (USB, Appliances, TVs, etc.)
This reference document describes a built--and--tested, GreenPoint? solution for a 40 W (40 W nominal power, 50 W peak power) set--top box (STB) power supply. This document presents the results of various secondary rectification and regulation techniques thatwere used to find the highest practical efficiency scheme for a four--output, 40 watt set top box power supply.
The power supply design is built around ON Semiconductor’s NCP1308 Current--Mode controller, on the primary side, using free running quasi—resonance operation. The secondary side offers four outputs (+5 V, --5 V, 3.3 V and 12 V). The +5 V output is the main channel with the closed PWMloop while the 3.3 Voutput is derived by using the NCP1587 in a buck (step--down) DC—DC topology with synchronous rectification. The 12Voutput is derived from+5 V by stacking the 12 V secondary winding onto the 5 V winding.