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          EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術(shù) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)

          作者: 時間:2011-04-21 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 1. The reference design for the MAX2160 tuner plus demodulator.

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 2. System block diagram.

          Lab Measurements

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 3. Sensitivity measures better than -97dBm. The tradeoff in sensitivity is also shown when an optional WCDMA or cdma2000? rejection filter is added at the RF input.

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 4. A WCDMA blocker rejection filter response. To implement on-board coexistence of ISDB-T with a WCDMA system, additional input filtering is required to reject the cellular transmit-band frequencies. The optional reference-design filtering is a combination of two filters, which provide approximately 47dB of attenuation at the cellular transmit band (marker 4).

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 5. CDMA-2000 blocker rejection filter response. To implement on-board coexistence of ISDB-T with a cdma2000 system in a handheld application, additional input filtering is required to reject the cellular transmit-band frequencies. The optional reference-design filter provides approximately 42dB of attenuation at cdma2000 transmit frequencies (marker 4).

          Additional Measurements

          Maximum InputUHF: Ch. 13, Ch. 33, Ch. 5208.9, 8.2, 7.3dBm
          Adjacent Channel Selectivity
          (Desired: -70dBm)
          UHF: Ch. 13, Ch. 33, Ch. 523545, 47, 45dBc
          WCDMA Blocker PerformanceUHF: Ch. 13, Ch. 33, Ch. 522423.5, 24, 24dBm
          cdma2000 Blocker PerformanceUHF: Ch. 13, Ch. 33, Ch. 521021, 21, 21dBm

          ISDB-T Frequency Plan

          MAX2160 ISDB-T應(yīng)用參考設(shè)計(jì)
          Figure 6. The ISDB-T RF signal is broadcast in the UHF band, as shown above. The channel spacing is 6MHz.

          Detailed Description

          The MAX2160/MAX2160EGB tuner ICs are designed for use in Japanese mobile digital-TV (ISDB-T single-segment) applications. The devices directly convert UHF band signals to a low-IF by using a broadband I/Q downconverter. The operating frequency range extends from 470MHz to 770MHz.

          The MAX2160/MAX2160EBG support both I/Q low-IF interfaces and single low-IF interfaces. The devices are thus universal tuners for various digital demodulator implementations.

          The MAX2160/MAX2160EBG integrate LNA, RF and low-IF variable-gain amplifiers (VGAs), I and Q downconverting mixers, and bandpass filters providing in excess of 42dB of image rejection. The parts operate with either high-side or low-side local oscillator (LO) injection. The devices' VGAs provide in excess of 100dB of gain-control range.

          The MAX2160/MAX2160EBG also have fully monolithic VCOs and tank circuits, and a complete frequency synthesizer. A XTAL oscillator and separate TCXO input buffer are also included. The devices operate with XTAL/TCXO oscillators from 13MHz to 26MHz, which enable the shared use of a VC-TCXO in cellular handset applications. Additionally, a divider is provided for the XTAL/TCXO oscillator, thus allowing for a simple and low-cost interface to various channel decoders.

          cdma2000 is a registered trademark of Telecommunications Industry Association.




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