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          EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術 > 設計應用 > 基于MC1321x系列設計的2.4GHz ZigBee開發(fā)方

          基于MC1321x系列設計的2.4GHz ZigBee開發(fā)方

          作者: 時間:2011-04-15 來源:網絡 收藏

          本文介紹了MC1321x系列主要特性,方框圖, 802.15.4標準調制解調器方框圖和MCU(HCS08, Version A)方框圖,以及13213-網絡協(xié)調板(NCB)和13213-傳感器參考板(SRB)電路圖.

          Freescale 公司的MC1321x系列是第二代ZigBee平臺,集成了低功耗2.4GHz RF收發(fā)器和8位MCU,能實現點對電連接到完整的ZigBee mesh網絡,是高性價比的完整解決方案.RF收發(fā)器和標準802.15.4兼容,工作在2.4 GHz ISM頻帶,包括有低噪音,1mW輸出功率,帶VCO的PA,發(fā)送/接收開關,電源穩(wěn)壓以及全擴展頻譜編碼和譯碼.MCU具有HCS08 Version A特性,并提供多達60KB的閃存和4KB的RAM.


          General Platform Features

          ? 802.15.4 Standard compliant on-chip transceiver/modem

          — 2.4GHz

          — 16 selectable channels

          — Programmable output power

          ? Multiple power saving modes

          ? 2V to 3.4V operating voltage with on-chip voltage regulators

          ? -40℃ to +85℃ temperature range

          ? Low external component count

          ? Supports single 16 MHz crystal clock source operation or dual crystal operation

          ? Support for SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 Standard-Compliant MAC, SynkroRF, BeeStack, BeeStack Consumer (ZigBee RF4CE) software solutions

          ? 9mm x 9mm x 1mm 71-pin LGA

          Microcontroller Features

          ? Low voltage MCU with 40 MHz low power HCS08 CPU core

          ? Up to 60K flash memory with block protection and security and 4K RAM

          — MC13211: 16KB Flash, 1KB RAM

          — MC13212: 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM

          — MC13213: 60KB Flash, 4KB RAM

          ? Low power modes (Wait plus Stop2 and Stop3 modes)

          ? Dedicated serial peripheral interface (SPI) connected internally to 802.15.4 modem

          ? One external 4-channel (5-channel internal) 16-bit timer/pulse width modulator (TPM) module and one external 1-channel (3-channel internal) 16-bit timer/pulse width modulator module, each with selectable input capture, output capture, and PWM capability.

          ? 8-bit port keyboard interrupt (KBI)

          ? 8-channel 8-10-bit ADC

          ? Two independent serial communication interfaces (SCI)

          ? Multiple clock source options

          — Internal clock generator (ICG) with 243 kHz oscillator that has +/-0.2% trimming resolution and +/-0.5% deviation across voltage.

          — Startup oscillator of approximately 8 MHz

          — External crystal or resonator

          — External source from modem clock for very high accuracy source or system low-cost option

          ? Inter-integrated circuit (IIC) interface.

          ? In-circuit debug and flash programming available via on-chip background debug module (BDM)

          — Two comparator and 9 trigger modes

          — Eight deep FIFO for storing change-of-flow addresses and event-only data

          — Tag and force breakpoints

          — In-circuit debugging with single breakpoint

          ? System protection features

          — Programmable low voltage interrupt (LVI)

          — Optional watchdog timer (COP)

          — Illegal opcode detection

          ? Up to 32 MCU GPIO with programmable pullups

          RF Modem Features

          ? Fully compliant 802.15.4 Standard transceiver supports 250 kbps O-QPSK data in 5.0 MHz channels and full spread-spectrum encode and decode

          ? Operates on one of 16 selectable channels in the 2.4 GHz ISM band

          ? -1 dBm to 0 dBm nominal output power, programmable from -27 dBm to +3 dBm typical

          ? Receive sensitivity of -92 dBm (typical) at 1% PER, 20-byte packet, much better than the 802.15.4 Standard of -85 dBm

          ? Integrated transmit/receive switch

          ? Dual PA ouput pairs which can be programmed for full differential single-port or dual-port operation that supports an external LNA and/or PA.

          ? Three low power modes for increased battery life

          ? Programmable frequency clock output for use by MCU

          ? Onboard trim capability for 16 MHz crystal reference oscillator eliminates need for external variable capacitors and allows for automated production frequency calibration

          ? Four internal timer comparators available to supplement MCU timer resources

          ? Supports both packet data mode and streaming data mode

          ? Seven GPIO to supplement MCU GPIO

          Software Features

          Freescale provides a wide range of software functionality to complement the MC1321x hardware. There are three levels of application solutions:

          ? SMAC

          ? IEEE 802.15.4 Standard-Compliant MAC

          ? SynkroRF

          ? BeeStack

          ? BeeStack Consumer (ZigBee RF4CE)


          Applications include, but are not limited to, the following:

          ? Residential and commercial automation

          — Lighting control

          — Security

          — Access control

          — Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)

          — Automated meter reading (AMR)

          ? Industrial Control

          — Asset tracking and monitoring

          — Homeland security

          — Process management

          — Environmental monitoring and control

          — HVAC

          — Automated meter reading

          ? Health Care

          — Patient monitoring

          — Fitness monitoring

          ? Consumer

          — Human interface devices (keyboard, mice, etc.)

          — Remote control

          — Wireless toys


          圖2. 802.15.4標準調制解調器方框圖

          圖3. MC1321x MCU方框圖 (HCS08, Version A)



          MC1321x 評估套件 (EVK)

          This manual provides a detailed hardware description of the MC1321xEVK which consists of a 13213-Network Coordinator Board (13213-NCB) and a 13213-Sensor Reference Board (13213-SRB).

          The functionality of the 13213-NCB and 13213-SRB boards is very similar. The primary difference between the two boards revolves around the peripheral circuits, not in the reference design itself.

          The 13213-NCB and 13213-SRB provide all the necessary components to evaluate and use the MC1321x solution. The 13213-NCB and the 13213-SRB are built around the Freescale MC1321x family. The MC1321x family is Freescale’s second-generation ZigBee platform which incorporates a low power 2.4 GHz radio frequency transceiver and an 8-bit microcontroller into a single 9x9x1 mm 71-pin LGA package.

          The 13213-NCB and the 13213-SRB are compliant with the following standards:

          ? FCC standard 47 CFR, part 15, section 15.247

          ? ETSI EN 300-328-1

          ? ETSI EN 300-328-2







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