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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設計應用 > linux內核對S3C2410睡眠模式的支持


          作者: 時間:2013-03-18 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏


            #include stdio.h>

            #include sys/types.h>

            #include sys/ioctl.h>

            #include unistd.h>

            #include fcntl.h>

            #include linux/ioctl.h>

            #define APM_IOC_STANDBY _IO('A', 1)

            #define APM_IOC_SUSPEND _IO('A', 2)

            int main (void)


            int fd;

            fd = open ("/dev/apm_bios",O_RDWR);

            if (fd 0) {

            printf ("fd open failed");



            printf ("/dev/apm_bios opened, fd=%d",fd);

            ioctl (fd, APM_IOC_SUSPEND);

            close (fd);

            printf ("/dev/apm_bios closed :)");

            return 0;





            sleep: irq wakeup masks: fffffff0,fffffff0

            GSTATUS3 0x30367140

            GSTATUS4 0x00000000


            GPIO[0] CON 007fffff => 007fffff, DAT 00000000 => 00000000

            GPIO[1] CON 00044555 => 00044555, DAT 00000540 => 00000540

            GPIO[2] CON aaaaaaaa => aaaaaaaa, DAT 00000000 => 00000000

            GPIO[3] CON aaaaaaaa => aaaaaaaa, DAT 00000000 => 00000000

            GPIO[4] CON aaaaa6aa => aaaaa6aa, DAT 0000ffc5 => 0000ffc5

            GPIO[5] CON 000055aa => 000055aa, DAT 000000fe => 000000ff

            GPIO[6] CON ffa5ff30 => ffa5ffba, DAT 0000aced => 0000aced

            GPIO[7] CON 002afaaa => 002afaaa, DAT 000001ff => 000001fb

            post sleep: IRQs 0x02000001, 0x00000200

            IRQ 16 asserted at resume

            post sleep, preparing to return

             PM Resume (post-restore)

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: powered down.

            s3c24xx-pm: check if we have anything to wake-up with

            Disabling IRQ 52 (pin 192)

            Disabling IRQ 53 (pin 193)

            Disabling IRQ 55 (pin 195)

            dma3: restoring configuration

            timer tcon=00000000, tcnt a2c1, tcfg 00000200,00000000, usec 00001eb8

            s3c2410-wdt: watchdog disabled

            s3c2410-i2c s3c2410-i2c: slave address 0x10

            s3c2410-i2c s3c2410-i2c: bus frequency set to 390 KHz

            s3c2410-nand s3c2410-nand: Tacls=3, 30ns Twrph0=7 70ns, Twrph1=3 30ns

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: running at 0kHz (requested: 0kHz).

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: running at 98kHz (requested: 97kHz).

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: running at 98kHz (requested: 97kHz).

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: running at 98kHz (requested: 97kHz).

            s3c2410-sdi s3c2410-sdi: powered down.

            usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset

            Restarting tasks ... done.

            /dev/apm_bios closed :)



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