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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > PowerintLNK457DG高效3.8W可調(diào)光LED驅(qū)動(dòng)方案(DER301)


          作者: 時(shí)間:2011-12-21 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          Powerint公司的高效3.8W可PFC 采用LinkSwitchTM-PL系列的LNK457DG,采用非絕緣的降壓拓?fù)?輸入電壓190VAC到265VAC,頻率47 Hz到63 Hz,230VAC時(shí)的效率大于83.5%,PF大于0.91,THD小于25%,起動(dòng)時(shí)間小于300ms,適用于住宅區(qū)照明.本文介紹了3.8W可主要特性和指標(biāo),電路圖,材料清單和PCB布局圖.

          This document is an engineering report describing a non-isolated dimmable LED driver (power supply) utilizing a LNK457DG from the LinkSwitch-PL family of devices.

          The DER-301 provides a single constant current output with an output power of 3.8 W output.

          The key design goals were high efficiency, dimmable and compact size, enabling the driver to fit into candelabra and B10 sized lamps and maximize efficacy.

          The board was optimized to operate over the high AC input voltage range (190 VAC to 265 VAC, 47 Hz to 63 Hz). LinkSwitch-PL based designs provide a high power factor(>0.91) meeting current international requirements.

          The form factor of the board was chosen to meet the space limitations of standard Candelabra LED replacement lamps. The output is non-isolated and requires the mechanical design of the enclosure to isolate the output of the supply and the LED load from the user.

          The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials,printed circuit layout and performance data.

          圖1. 3.8W可外形圖


          ? Single-stage power factor corrected and accurate constant current (CC) output
          ? Dimmable

          ? Low cost, low component count and small PCB footprint

          ? Highly energy efficient, >83.5% at 230 VAC input for 48 V

          ? Fast start-up time (300 ms) – no perceptible delay

          ? Integrated protection and reliability features

          ? Output short-circuit protected with auto-recovery

          ? Disconnected load protection with auto-recovery

          ? Auto-recovering thermal shutdown with large hysteresis protects both components and PCB

          ? No damage during brown-out conditions

          ? PF >0.91 at 230 VAC

          ?THD 25% at 230 VAC; 48 V LED

          ? Meets IEC ring wave, differential line surge and EN55015 conducted EMI




          圖3.3.8W可調(diào)光LED驅(qū)動(dòng)器PCB頂層布局圖(直徑= .68” [17.3 mm])





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