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          EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設計應用 > Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          作者: 時間:2011-12-11 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏
          Linear 公司的 是80V輸入80V輸出恒流恒壓DC/DC轉換器,非常適合用來大電流高亮度LED(HBLED).3000:1真彩色PWM調(diào)光,輸入電壓從4.5V到80V,輸出電壓高達80V,內(nèi)部集成了3.3V/80V開關,可調(diào)頻率從100kHz到1MHz,能以升壓,降壓,升降壓,SEPIC或反激模式LED,主要用于大功率LED,電池充電器和精密電流限壓穩(wěn)壓器.本文介紹了主要特性,方框圖,以及多種應用電路,包括效率95%25W WLED汽車頭燈電路圖, 升-降壓模式LED驅動電路圖, 超大電容充電電路圖,以及降壓模式90W LED驅動電路圖等.

          80VIN, 80VOUT Constant-Current,Constant-Voltage Converter

          The LT?3956 is a DC/DC converter designed to operate as a constant-current source and constant-voltage regulator. It is ideally suited for driving high current LEDs. It features an internal low side N-channel power MOSFET rated for 84V at 3.3A and driven from an internal regulated 7.15V supply. The fixed frequency, current-mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages. A ground referenced voltage FB pin serves as the input for several LED protection features, and also makes it possible for the converter to operate as a constant-voltage source. A frequency adjust pin allows the user to program the frequency from 100kHz to 1MHz to optimize efficiency, performance or external component size.

          The senses output current at the high side of the LED string. High side current sensing is the most flexible scheme for driving LEDs, allowing boost, buck mode or buck-boost mode configuration. The PWM input provides LED dimming ratios of up to 3000:1, and the CTRL input provides additional analog dimming capability.


          3000:1 True Color PWMTM Dimming

          Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 80V

          Output Voltage Up to 80V

          Internal 3.3A/84V Switch

          Constant-Current and Constant-Voltage Regulation

          250mV High Side Current Sense

          Drives LEDs in Boost, Buck Mode, Buck-Boost Mode, SEPIC or Flyback Topology

          Adjustable Frequency: 100kHz to 1MHz

          Open LED Protection

          Programmable Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis

          Constant-Voltage Loop Status Pin

          PWM Disconnect Switch Driver

          CTRL Pin Adjusts High Side Current Sense Threshold

          Low Shutdown Current: 1μA

          Programmable Soft-Start

          Available in the 36-Lead (5mm × 6mm) QFN Package


          High Power LED

          Battery Charger

          Accurate Current Limited Voltage Regulator

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖1. LT3956方框圖

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖2. LT3956效率95%25W WLED汽車頭燈驅動電路圖

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖3. LT3956升-降壓模式LED驅動電路圖

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖4. LT3956超大電容充電電路圖

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖5. LT3956效率90% 20W SPEIC LED驅動電路圖

          Linear LT3956 80V恒流恒壓HBLED驅動方案

          圖6. LT3956降壓模式90W LED驅動電路圖




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