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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > HoltekHT7955電視WLED背光驅(qū)動(dòng)解決方案


          作者: 時(shí)間:2012-09-17 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          The HT7955 is a high efficiency DC-DC controller drives a number of s connected in series/ parallel configuration and has a wide input voltage range from 10V to 26V, and adjustable 60mA to 80mA current by external resistor. In total, the device can support up to 80 .

          In addition, six current sink regulators provide ±2.5% high precision current matching between strings. The brightness can be adjusted by external PWM up to 2kHz. Once an open/short string is detected, the string is disabled while other strings operate normally.

          Other protecting includes soft-start, under voltage lockout, programmable over voltage protection, WLED current limit, switch current limit and thermal shutdown.

          The HT7955 is packaged with a tiny footprint package of 48-Pin 7x7x1.0mm TQFP-EP package.


          ? Allowable max input voltage: 26V

          ? Built-in Power MOSFET

          ? Output voltage up to 40V driving 10 series LEDs – LED Vf(max)=3.5V per string – absolute max rating up to 44V

          ? Channel Phase Shift PWM Dimming

          ? Direct PWM Dimming without Phase Shift

          ? Operate up to 11 strings LED at Vf(max.)=3.3V condition

          ? Low string feedback voltage: 0.5V at 80mA LED current

          ? Switching frequency: 200kHz/400kHz

          ? 8-string constant current output

          ? LED current adjustable from 60mA to 80mA

          ? ±2.5% current matching between strings

          ?Dimming control using PWM

          ?1% minimum dimming duty-cycle at 2kHz

          ?Built- in Soft start

          ?LED failure detection: open and short circuit

          ?Capacitor type: ceramic

          ?Protection: OVP, OTP, UVLO, LX current limit


          ? LED backlights for LCD monitor and LCD TV



          圖3.HT7955 PCB布局圖






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