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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設計應用 > AKMAK416016路容性觸摸傳感器解決方案


          作者: 時間:2011-10-10 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏
          AKM公司的AK4160是低工作電壓和低功耗16路容性觸摸傳感器,其中的8路可配置成LED驅(qū)動器或GPIO,對每個傳感端子具有自動的環(huán)境漂移修正功能,I2C串行接口,帶S/H電路的10位SAR ADC,并集成了穩(wěn)壓器.主要用在,PC和.本文介紹了AK4160主要特性,方框圖,16路觸摸開關(guān)連接圖以及8路觸摸開關(guān)和8路LED顯示器連接圖,評估板AKD4160-A功能,方框圖,電路圖和元件布局圖.

          The AK4160 is a low operating voltage and low power consumption 16-channel capacitive touch sensor.

          Maximum 8 channels out of the 16-channel can be configured to LED drive or GPIO. The AK4160 has a channel independent automatic correct function of environmental drifts for each sense input. It reduces false detection by continuous calibration of the internal reference value in the situation when the input capacitance of the touch switch is changed by the external factors such as hydrothermal conditions. The automatic initial setting function sets the charge current and charge time according to the size and the shape of a touch switch. The AK4160 can be configured via serial interfaces, it is suitable for mobile phones, PCs and home electric applications.


          關(guān)鍵詞: 觸摸屏 手機 家用電器




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