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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應用 > 簡單手勢喚醒便攜設(shè)備的設(shè)計思路及其代碼


          作者: 時間:2012-07-12 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏

          * Implements an FIR filter in the form

          * y = w[0]*x[0] + w[1]*x[1] + ...+ w[QUEUE_SIZE]*x[QUEUE_SIZE]


          * Arguments:

          * uint8 input - newest datapoint taken (that is, x[0])

          * uint8 *weights - w[0]...w[QUEUE_SIZE]

          * uint8 *queue - the discrete sequence x[0]...x[QUEUE_SIZE]


          * Returns:

          * The FIR-filtered output, y


          uint8 fir_filter(uint8 input, uint8 *weights, uint8 *queue)


          uint8 i;

          int sum = 0;

          // pop first entry in the queue, then

          // push new data into the last position


          // input is now x[0]

          for (i=0; i {

          sum += weights[i]*queue[i];


          return (sum/QUEUE_SIZE);


          // this handles hardware-level interrupts on the micro

          __interrupt void irq_handler( void )



          // if the hardware interrupt came from the MAX44000 sensor

          // pulling its INT pin low

          if ( irq_source == MAX44000 )


          // if the device is in sleep mode

          if (device_status == SLEEP_MODE)


          device_status = WAKE_MODE; // wake up the device


          // reconfigure whatever else you need here as the system wakes up


          // otherwise, handle it however it is you wish









          * configure_max44000_for_sleep_mode()


          * Sets up the MAX44000 to trigger a hardware interrupt when the proximity

          * counts go above some set threshold.


          * Arguments:

          * uint8 upper_threshold - the set threshold (8-bit mode)


          * Returns:

          * n/a


          void configure_max44000_for_sleep_mode(uint8 upper_threshold)


          uint8 max44000_thresh_registers[] = {0x0B,0x0C};

          uint8 max44000_upper_thresh[] = {0x40,0};

          max44000_upper_thresh[1] = upper_threshold;

          // do a consecutive write of 0 followed by upper_threshold to

          // registers 0xB and 0xC, respectively

          // MAX44000_ADDR is usually 0x94

          // interrupt will trigger only if proximity value is above the threshold



          // write to bits 2 and 3 of register 0x0A here if you wish to set the

          // persist time to anything other than one sample

          // writes to register 0x01 to enable interrupts on the MAX44000




          上一頁 1 2 3 下一頁




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