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          作者: 時間:2011-12-10 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          NI LabVIEW是 一種使用圖標(biāo)代替文本行編寫程序的圖形化編程語言,用于快速創(chuàng)建靈活的、可升級的測試、測量和控制應(yīng)用程序。使用LabVIEW,工程師和科學(xué)家們可以采集到實際信號,并對其進(jìn)行分析得出有用信息,然后將測量結(jié)果和應(yīng)用程序進(jìn)行分享。無論您是否有相關(guān)經(jīng)驗,使用LabVIEW,您都可以方便快捷地開發(fā)測量程序。


          • 圖形化編程
          • 多種開發(fā)工具
          • 內(nèi)置測量和控制函數(shù)
          • 范圍廣泛的計算對象


          • 應(yīng)用部署模塊
          • 軟件工程和優(yōu)化工具
          • 數(shù)據(jù)管理及視覺化
          • 實時和FPGA部署
          • 嵌入式系統(tǒng)部署
          • 信號處理和分析
          • 自動化測試
          • 圖像采集和機(jī)器視覺
          • 控制設(shè)計與仿真
          • 工業(yè)控制


          LabVIEW 7.1

          • Data Acquisition Readers' Choice Award
          • Electronics Weekly Product of the Week Award
          • Engineering for You Readers' Choice Award
          • European Industry Award "Product of the Year" for 2004
          • Evaluation Engineering Readers' Choice Awards
          • IAN Automation Excellence Award
          • Instrument Control Readers' Choice Award
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation 2004 Readers' Choice Awards
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation 2004 Top Products in Data Acquisition
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation 2005 Readers' Choice Awards
          • Start Magazine Technology Enabler Award

          LabVIEW 7 Express

          • Control Engineering Editors' Choice Award
          • Design News Best Product of the Year Finalist
          • EDN 100 Hot Products of 2003
          • EDN Innovation of the Year Award in Test and Measurement
          • Electronic Design Top 50 Milestones for the Electronics Industry, Invention of LabVIEW
          • Electronic Products 2004 Product of the Year
          • Electronics for You (India) Readers' Choice Award for Best Design and Simulation Software
          • Eletronik (Germany) 2004 Test and Measurement Product of the Year (runner-up)
          • Evaluation Engineering Readers' Choice Award
          • IAN Automation Excellence Award
          • NASA Tech Briefs 2004 Product of the Year
          • NASA Tech Briefs Readers' Choice 2004 Product of the Year Award
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation Editor's Choice Award
          • Sensors Expo Best of Show Awards Gold Winner

          LabVIEW 6.1

          • Electronic Design readers named the invention of LabVIEW one of the top 50 milestones for the industry
          • IAN Automation Excellence Award
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation Readers' Choice Award for Data Acquisition and Instrument Control Software, and finalist award for Programming Language

          LabVIEW 6i

          • Control Engineering Editor's Choice Award
          • Design News 2000 Product of the Year Finalist
          • ECN Best New Software Product of the Year, 2000
          • ECN Best of the Web in Test and Measurement, 2000
          • Evaluation Engineering Reader's Choice Award
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation Editor's Choice
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation Top 5 Products of the Year, Data Acquisition Software
          • Scientific Computing Instrumentation Reader's Choice Award, Instrument Control and Data Acquisition Software
          • VXIbus and PXI Newsletter Best New Software Products

          LabVIEW 5

          • Evaluation Engineering Best Software Product of 1999
          • NASA Tech Briefs 1999 Product of the Year
          • Test Measurement World 1999 Test Product of the Year
          • The International Data Group (Romania) Award of Excellence

          Previous Versions of LabVIEW

          • Canadian Electronics Product Innovation Award runner-up, Measurement and Instrumentation category, 1992
          • Control Engineering Editors' Choice Award, 1995
          • Design News Best Products of 1992 (runner-up)
          • Laboratory Equipment Readers' Choice Award for Graphical Software, 1994
          • Laboratory Equipment Top 10 Products of the Year, Instrument Software category, 1991
          • MacUser Editors' Choice Award, Best New Science/Engineering Product, 1993
          • MacUser Editors' Choice Award, Best Data Acquisition/Analysis product, 1990 and 1991
          • MacUser (Spain division) Editors' Choice Award, Programming Languages category, 1992
          • MacWorld Top Technical Software Product, Science and Engineering category, 1995
          • Scientific Computing Automation 1994 Award for Data Acquisition Software
          • Scientific Computing Automation Readers' Choice Awards, Best Data Acquisition Software, 1992 and 1993
          • Scientific Computing Automation Reader's Choice Award, Instrument Control Software, 1995
          • Test Measurement World Reader's Choice Test Product of the Year, 1993
          • VXIbus Newsletter Best VXI Software Product of 1992-93
          • WINDOWS WIN 100 Award, 1993

          LabVIEW Real-Time Module

          • Electronics Industry Yearbook Top Test and Measurement Product recognition
          • EDN 100 Hot Products of 2000
          • Mesures (France) Best Product in Data Acquisition

          LabVIEW Embedded Development Module

          • Design News, 2006 Golden Mousetrap Award
          • Freescale Technology Forum, Honorable Mention, Best in Show Award

          虛擬儀器(virtual instrumention)是基于計算機(jī)的儀器。計算機(jī)和儀器的密切結(jié)合是目前儀器發(fā)展的一個重要方向。粗略地說這種結(jié)合有兩種方式,一種是將計算機(jī)裝入儀器,其典型的例子就是所謂智能化的儀器。隨著計算機(jī)功能的日益強(qiáng)大以及其體積的日趨縮小,這類儀器功能也越來越強(qiáng)大,目前已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)含嵌入式系統(tǒng)的儀器。另一種方式是將儀器裝入計算機(jī)。以通用的計算機(jī)硬件及操作系統(tǒng)為依托,實現(xiàn)各種儀器功能。虛擬儀器主要是指這種方式。下面的框圖反映了常見的虛擬儀器方案。



          • 盡可能采用了通用的硬件,各種儀器的差異主要是軟件。
          • 可充分發(fā)揮計算機(jī)的能力,有強(qiáng)大的數(shù)據(jù)處理功能,可以創(chuàng)造出功能更強(qiáng)的儀器。
          • 用戶可以根據(jù)自己的需要定義和制造各種儀器。




          虛擬儀器研究的另一個問題是各種標(biāo)準(zhǔn)儀器的互連及與計算機(jī)的連接。目前使用較多的是IEEE 488GPIB協(xié)議。未來的儀器也應(yīng)當(dāng)是網(wǎng)絡(luò)化的。

          LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual instrument Engineering)是一種圖形化的編程語言,它廣泛地被工業(yè)界、學(xué)術(shù)界和研究實驗室所接受,視為一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的數(shù)據(jù)采集和儀器控制軟件。LabVIEW集成了與滿足GPIBVXI、RS-232和RS-485協(xié)議的硬件及數(shù)據(jù)采集卡通訊的全部功能。它還內(nèi)置了便于應(yīng)用TCP/IP、ActiveX等軟件標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的庫函數(shù)。這是一個功能強(qiáng)大且靈活的軟件。利用它可以方便地建立自己的虛擬儀器,其圖形化的界面使得編程及使用過程都生動有趣。



          關(guān)鍵詞: LabVIEW?




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