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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > ADP1046:隔離DC-DC副邊應(yīng)用控制器快速入門指南


          作者: 時間:2013-09-09 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          還為實現(xiàn)最低元件數(shù)量、最大靈活性和最少設(shè)計時間進(jìn)行了優(yōu)化。具體特性包括本地和遠(yuǎn)程電壓檢測、原邊和副邊電流檢測、數(shù)字脈寬調(diào)制()產(chǎn)生、均流和冗余OrFET控制??刂骗h(huán)路數(shù)字濾波器和補(bǔ)償功能已集成至該器件,可通過I2C 接口編程。可編程保護(hù)功能包括過流保護(hù)(OCP)、過壓保護(hù)(OVP)、欠壓閉鎖(UVLO)和過溫保護(hù)(OTP)。
          ADP1046提供32引腳LFCSP封裝,采用3.3 V單電源供電。

          The ADP1046 is a flexible, digital secondary side controller designed for ac-to-dc and isolated dc-to-dc secondary side applications. The ADP1046 is pin-compatible with the ADP1043A and offers several enhancements and new features, including voltage feedforward, improved loop response, and programmable dead time control to maximize efficiency.


          The ADP1046 is optimized for minimal component count, maximum flexibility, and minimum design time. Features include local and remote voltage sense, primary and secondary side current sense, digital pulse-width modulation () generation, current sharing, and redundant OrFET control. The control loop digital filter and compensation terms are integrated and can be programmed over the I2C interface. Programmable protection features include overcurrent protection (OCP), over-voltage protection (OVP), undervoltage lockout (UVLO), and overtemperature protection (OTP).

          The built-in EEPROM provides extensive programming of the integrated loop filter, PWM signal timing, inrush current, and soft start timing and sequencing. Reliability is improved through a built-in checksum and programmable protection circuits.

          A comprehensive GUI is provided for easy design of loop filter characteristics and programming of the safety features. The industry-standard I2C bus provides access to the many monitoring and system test functions.The ADP1046 is available in a 32-lead LFCSP and operates from a single 3.3 V supply.


          • Integrates all typical PWM controller functions
          • 7 PWM control signals
          • Digital control loop
          • Integrated programmable loop filters
          • Programmable voltage line feedforward
          • Dedicated soft start filter
          • Programmable dead time for improved efficiency
          • Remote and local voltage sense
          • Primary and secondary side current sense
          • Synchronous rectifier control
          • Current sharing
          • OrFET control
          • I2C interface
          • Extensive fault detection and protection
          • Extensive programming and telemetry
          • Fast digital calibration
          • User accessible EEPROM
          • APPLICATIONS
          • AC-to-DC power supplies
          • Isolated dc-to-dc power supplies
          • Redundant power supply systems
          • Server, storage, network, and communications

          The ADP1046 is a secondary side controller for switch mode power supplies (SMPS). It is designed for use in isolated redun- dant applications. The ADP1046 integrates the typical functions that are needed to control a power supply, such as Output voltage sense and feedback Voltage line feedforward control Digital loop filter compensation PWM generation Current sharing Current, voltage, and temperature sense OrFET control Housekeeping and I2C interface Calibration and trimming The main function of controlling the output voltage is performed using the feedback ADCs, the digital loop filter, and the PWM block. The feedback ADCs use a multipath approach (patent pending). The ADP1046 combines a high speed, low resolution (fast and coarse) ADC with a low speed, high resolution (slow and accurate) ADC. Loop compensation is implemented using the digital filter. This proportional, integral, derivative (PID) filter is implemented in the digital domain to allow easy programming of filter char- acteristics, which is of great value in customizing and debugging designs.



          摘 要:ADP1046還為實現(xiàn)最低元件數(shù)量、最大靈活性和最少設(shè)計時間進(jìn)行了優(yōu)化。具體特性包括本地和遠(yuǎn)程電壓檢測、原邊和副邊電流檢測、數(shù)字脈寬調(diào)制 (PWM)產(chǎn)生、均流和冗余OrFET控制??刂骗h(huán)路數(shù)字濾波器和補(bǔ)償功能已集成至該器件,可通過I2C 接口編程??删幊瘫Wo(hù)功能包括過流保護(hù)(OCP)、過壓保護(hù)(OVP)、欠壓閉鎖(UVLO)和過溫保護(hù)(OTP)。本文著重介紹了ADP1046的結(jié)構(gòu) 組成及操作方法。


          關(guān)鍵詞: ADP1046 PWM ADI



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