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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 專題 > 基于EC5-1719CLDNA(嵌入之星)的單目視覺反饋運動平衡系統(tǒng)研究


          —— ——2008年英特爾杯大學生電子設計競賽嵌入式系統(tǒng)專題邀請賽作品簡介
          作者:馮曉強,賀瑩,邵楠,邵舒淵 西北工業(yè)大學 時間:2008-11-10 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏


          The visual feedback plate coordinate movement balance system is a typical multi-variable, non-linear control system. It is the two-dimensional expansion of the ball and beam system. Its control object is a plate with two mutually perpendicular shafts, and its purpose is to balance a freely rolling ball in a specific location or to make it move following the specific trajectory on the plate. The hardware designs include power placement, digital video camera installation, image acquisition card based on the 1394 bus, AC servo motor control cards based on the PCI bus, the circuit board connection between physical model and Embedding Star control board, and the 3-D mechanical design and processing. The software developments include real-time image processing and target identification, motor control drive program, and user-friendly interface. Model algorithm analysis mainly establishes a dynamic model of the small ball moving on the plate, and a ball of heart model(小球質(zhì)心計算模型) based on the value of the gray. The classic PID algorithm is used to control the position of ball, and on this basis the combining control model of PID control algorithm with fuzzy control algorithm is explored. By using the MATLAB software simulation tool SIMULINK, it shows a good dynamic and static characteristic. The system processes as follows: The images collected by a digital video camera are stored into computer's memory; The program reads the data of the ball and the plate images, and analyzes the ball position deviation and deviations rate; Then the information is sent to PID controller, it drive the motors to make the ball rolling on the plate. Finally, the actual physical system based on the simulation in theory by using the powerful data processing capability of the industrial control board (Embedded Star) is debugged and developed, and it achieves the stability control of the ball.




          關鍵詞: 英特爾 嵌入式 競賽




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