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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 專題 > 廣 告 炫 輪

          廣 告 炫 輪

          —— ——2008年英特爾杯大學(xué)生電子設(shè)計競賽嵌入式系統(tǒng)專題邀請賽獲獎作品簡介
          作者:張靜靜,徐嘉祥,李志高,謝楷 西安電子科技大學(xué) 時間:2008-11-10 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏




          The project is intended to provide a new advertisement carrier. It breaks through the restriction that traditional advertisement must be based on the static plane. High-speed rotary wheels are turned to be the new advertisement carrier based on the visual effect of temporary stay. Several shortages of the traditional automobile advertisement are removed by the project, such as lack of attraction, disability in the evening, long updating period and so on. Especially, it offers a new platform for advertisement in the dark environment and provides the fantastic visual effect.
          Based on the Embedded-Star platform, data of the advertisement are converted and transmitted to LED lines on wheels by adopting the polar coordinates conversion, RLE compression, Bluetooth transmission, error control technology. The stability of image on wheels is guaranteed by real-time speed measurement and dual buffed synchronization. The software for editing and playing are provided. The functions of wireless downloading and sharing are also implemented in the software.

          In addition, the system is of great business value, which can be used in various fields such as auto modification, motor show, etc. Further more, it can be applied on any rotary object and turn it to be an advertisement carrier.


          關(guān)鍵詞: 英特爾 嵌入式 競賽




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