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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 專題 > H.264 轉(zhuǎn)碼?視頻檢測?CS/BS 景區(qū)監(jiān)控與導(dǎo)游多網(wǎng)融合系統(tǒng)

          H.264 轉(zhuǎn)碼?視頻檢測?CS/BS 景區(qū)監(jiān)控與導(dǎo)游多網(wǎng)融合系統(tǒng)

          —— ——2008年英特爾杯大學(xué)生電子設(shè)計競賽嵌入式系統(tǒng)專題邀請賽作品簡介
          作者:孫文秀,孫召敏,顧昊,陳啟美 北京大學(xué) 時間:2008-11-10 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏

                  作品以中山陵為應(yīng)用背景,構(gòu)建了 H.264 轉(zhuǎn)碼平臺+BS/CS混合模式+ WiFi/WiMAX 無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)的監(jiān)控與導(dǎo)游系統(tǒng),實現(xiàn)了智能移動視頻監(jiān)控(事件檢測、報警發(fā)布)、移動導(dǎo)游(移動視頻、互動地圖界面)、高清播放等功能。 系統(tǒng)以H.264 轉(zhuǎn)碼平臺統(tǒng)一視頻格式,兼容異構(gòu)圖像,降低約4 倍碼率, 無需更換攝像機等前端設(shè)備,獲得了可觀經(jīng)濟效益。 

                  針對無線IP 網(wǎng)絡(luò)帶寬受限、易受干擾,采取了圖像細節(jié)/運動的內(nèi)容檢測, 自H.264 的NAL 層動態(tài)調(diào)整視頻幀率或分辨率,這一穿層視頻QoS 控制。 針對景區(qū)監(jiān)控特點,綜合采用自適應(yīng)背景消除與三幀差相結(jié)合的混合算 法、改進模板匹配等算法,在監(jiān)控中心對“逆行”及“越界”等視頻事件進行 檢測分析預(yù)警,提高了監(jiān)控效率。

                  為適于地理視頻環(huán)境的導(dǎo)游和監(jiān)控,構(gòu)建BS/CS 混合網(wǎng)絡(luò)架構(gòu)。利用客戶 端手持PDA 上SVG 地圖瀏覽器和ViewBox 視窗播放器,實現(xiàn)移動導(dǎo)游和媒體 播放,分別發(fā)揮BS 的易操作及跨平臺性、CS 的響應(yīng)實時的各自優(yōu)點。

                  針對視頻事件檢測、H.264 實時轉(zhuǎn)碼、高清視頻再現(xiàn)等復(fù)雜運算,充分利 用 Intel 雙核嵌入之星開發(fā)平臺,及 IPP、MMX、Pthread 等手段進行優(yōu)化,獲 作品 得了成倍性能提升。 這在高清數(shù)字電視,高速公路聯(lián)網(wǎng)智能監(jiān)控,城市社區(qū)服務(wù),水文檢測、 簡介電子政務(wù)等領(lǐng)域也有廣泛應(yīng)用。
          This work is designed for the application of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, a wireless video surveillance and tour guiding system is built which is based on the H.264 transcoding platform, BS/CS hybrid mode and WiFi/WiMAX networks. This system integrates intelligent mobile video surveillance (real-time monitoring, incident detection, alerting), mobile tour guide (VoD, interactive map over PDA) and HD video playback. 

          Heterogeneous videos are transcoded to H.264 video stream by the system as a result that the original equipment could be saved and the efficiency of the channel can be much higher.
          Due to the quality of susceptible wireless communication and the limited bandwidth , this system can timely focus on image contents of fast-moving or detail requirements while adaptively modifying the frame rate and resampling in the H.264 NAL layer to offer a better video QoS control. This system uses a combination of adaptive background subtraction and three- frame differencing algorithm, and an improved template match algorithm in the detection of retrograde and cross-border processing to increase the efficiency and accuracy of video monitoring. The BS/CS network structure is used to suit for different conditions of guiding and monitoring. The clients get multimedia and guidance services through SVG map and Viewbox explore which are supported by their handed PDA. This mode of service not only obtains the easy operation advantages of BS but also the real-time advantages of CS. With the optimizing of Multi-threading, IPP, MMX, on “Embedded Star”, the system could deal with many functions such as real-time video surveillance, real-time H.264 transcoding, HD video playback etc. with high efficiency. The system could also be used in the domains as follows: HDTV, expressway Network Monitoring, city community services, hydrometeorology surveillance E - government and so on.

          關(guān)鍵詞: 英特爾 嵌入式 競賽




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