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          EEPW首頁 > 元件/連接器 > 新品快遞 > Multitest推出最新測試夾具


          作者: 時間:2009-03-26 來源:SEMI 收藏



            The socket provides the most efficient cost of test ratio in the market combined with high power and high frequency capabilities for small size and small pitch devices (QFN). The “ECON” socket accomplishes this favourable cost of test by a maintenance friendly contact spring block design, special DURA and TECTA coatings for long life times and a high first pass yield.

            In addition to the exchange of single springs, the contact spring block design allows fast exchange of spring blocks without handling of single springs, without special tooling and also without any further alignment. The high first pass yield results from a precise contact spring geometry and the usage of a new kind of plastic material avoiding thermal expansion. A high contact force of 0.45 N per spring ensures repeatable electrical behaviour.

            The ECON socket is loadboard compatible to existing RFC sockets and third party sockets types. It supports plunge-to-board applications in the full temperature range from – 60° to + 200°C. The ECON is available for SO, SOT, QFP, and QFN packages with a lead pitch down to 0.25 mm.

             is tailored for the challenging requirements of small pad QFN devices. It integrates the features of cost favourable Kelvin solutions (www.multitest.com/Kelvin ) with plunge-to-board capabilities. In general the socket is applicable for packages such as QFNs, QFPs, SOTs and SOs with a lead pitch down to 0.3 mm.

            The nanoKelvin socket is an ideal solution for the high volume production of any Kelvin application, such as mixed signal or analog devices.

          關(guān)鍵詞: Multitest 測試 ECON NanoKelvin




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