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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 專題 > 英特爾杯作品2010年一等獎作品摘要


          作者: 時間:2012-05-31 來源:電子產品世界 收藏

            帶有語音同步功能的拓紙式手寫板 (一等獎作品)


            A Rubbing Tablet with the Synchronous Phonic Synthesization

            趙青靚 趙耀環(huán) 王宇鷺

            北京大學(Peking University)



            Abstract:Nowadays,information is becoming more and more important. People are constantly striving to find faster and convenient ways of recording important data and messages completely. Common digital recording tools,such as Digital Voice Recorder can only record voice, and those who uses handwriting pad may find it inconvenient to use a special pen to write. So we designed a new kind of handwriting pad called "Rubbing Tablet with the Synchronous Phonic Synthesization". Users can put a piece of paper over the pad,and use a common pen to write on it. Our pad will store the message in a digital way,and record the user's voice at the same. When he wants to review his notes,he will find three forms of message: notes on paper,digital data in hard disk and the words he spoke. Convenience is the main attraction of our pad,and that means more than simple portability. It will have high application value in education,industrial design,medical treatment and other areas in daily life.

            Keywords:Handwriting pad, Synchronous Phonic Synthesization, Hard brush stoke simulation, Anti-aliasing processing


          關鍵詞: Intel 嵌入式 處理器




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