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          EEPW首頁(yè) > EDA/PCB > 業(yè)界動(dòng)態(tài) > Facebook數(shù)據(jù)中心或?qū)⑹褂肁RM架構(gòu)服務(wù)器芯片


          作者: 時(shí)間:2013-01-17 來(lái)源:元器件交易網(wǎng) 收藏

            1月16日消息,據(jù)外媒稱(chēng),ARM服務(wù)器芯片經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商 Applied 微電路公司的高管將會(huì)在這次峰會(huì)上將和ARM服務(wù)器芯片廠商Calxeda討論確定數(shù)據(jù)中心服務(wù)器和其他設(shè)備的計(jì)劃書(shū),主要為服務(wù)器主板和系統(tǒng)。


            Calxeda稱(chēng)它已成為開(kāi)放式計(jì)算項(xiàng)目的一個(gè)成員,并在這次峰會(huì)上亮相?;?a class="contentlabel" href="http://www.ex-cimer.com/news/listbylabel/label/ARM架構(gòu)">ARM架構(gòu)的主板成為硬盤(pán)矩陣的一個(gè)控制器,此硬盤(pán)矩陣位于OCP的開(kāi)放庫(kù)規(guī)格存儲(chǔ)中。


            作為峰會(huì)的一部分,Applied確認(rèn)它的CEO Paramesh Gopi將會(huì)在這次峰會(huì)上發(fā)言。


            當(dāng)前,Calxeda 正運(yùn)作一款32位ARM服務(wù)器芯片并計(jì)劃在2014年上市64位版本的服務(wù)器芯片。Applied稱(chēng)為關(guān)鍵用戶開(kāi)發(fā)64位ARM服務(wù)器芯片樣品的項(xiàng)目正在進(jìn)行,預(yù)計(jì)這個(gè)季度末完成。(元器件交易網(wǎng)劉光明 譯)


            ARM friends at summit

            SANTA CLARA, Calif.--Expect ARM and to become data center friends at the Open Compute Project’s summit here Wednesday (Jan. 16).

            Executives from ARM server SoC vendors Applied Micro Circuits Corp. and Calxeda will speak at the event. OCP is a Facebook-led project to define common specifications for data center servers and other gear, mainly at the board and system level.

            Calxeda said it has become a member of the Open Compute Project and will show at the event its Project Knockout. The ARM-based board is geared to act as a controller for the hard disk arrays in the OCP’s Open Vault storage spec.

            Separately, Calxeda and Avnet will show other data center designs they co-developed. The designs will be shared with the Open Compute community in the fall.

            For its part, Applied confirmed its chief executive, Paramesh Gopi, will speak at the event.

            An executive for the social networking giant told EE Times late last year that Facebook might find some low volume roles for 32-bit ARM SoCs, but it sees no widespread use of the architecture in host server processors until 64-bit parts are available, probably in 2014 or beyond.

            Currently, Calxeda is shipping a 32-bit ARM server SoC and plans to ship a 64-bit version in 2014. Applied said it is on track to sample its 64-bit ARM server SoC to key customers by the end of the quarter.

          關(guān)鍵詞: Facebook ARM架構(gòu)




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