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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > On Semi Q32M210 32位MCU血糖儀應(yīng)用方案

          On Semi Q32M210 32位MCU血糖儀應(yīng)用方案

          作者: 時(shí)間:2011-10-24 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          公司的是精密的混合信號, 集成了2個16位模數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換器、高精度電壓參考、3個10位數(shù)模轉(zhuǎn)換器和基于ARM® Cortex-M3 內(nèi)核以及高度可配置的模擬前端及可編程的內(nèi)核和256kB閃存.芯片還集成所有關(guān)鍵功能,包括實(shí)時(shí)時(shí)鐘、電源管理、112段液晶顯示屏(LCD)接口、片上低阻抗開關(guān)、非限定(uncommitted)運(yùn)算放大器、精密電壓參考( 50 PPM/℃)及電阻電容(RC)振蕩器。器件具有高精度感測,可預(yù)測工作以及低功耗等特性,主要用于便攜感測如病人監(jiān)測器、無線心電圖機(jī)(ECG)和等便攜醫(yī)療設(shè)備.本文介紹了主要特性,方框圖, 正常工作條件配置圖以及典型和擴(kuò)展電源配置圖, 電路圖和相應(yīng)的材料清單.

          is a precision, mixed−signal 32−bit microcontroller. Themicrocontroller is built on the high performance ARMCortex_−M3 processor.

          The microcontroller incorporates a highly configurable sensor interface designed to work directly with a wide range of sensors having multiple characteristics, including specialized electrochemical sensors. The sensor interface includes dual programmable gain amplifiers, dual 16−bit Analog−to−Digital converters, triple 10−bit Digital−to−Analog converters (for voltage waveform generation and other applications) and three uncommitted, low−noise opamps with configurable signal multiplexing. Flexible connectivity to external non−volatile memory, personal computers, wireless devices, LCD displays and a wide range of other peripherals is enabled by several digital interfaces including I2C, USB (2.0 full−speed compliant) and a high−speed SPI/SQI interface.

          The microcontroller features flexible clocking options as well as intelligent failure monitoring of power and application interruptions required by high performance, portable, battery operated applications.

          All necessary clocks including an internal oscillator, real−time clock and a dedicated clock for USB operation are available on−chip (external crystals required for RTC and USB).An embedded power management unit, which incorporates several low power modes, allows application developers to minimize both standby and active power under a wide range of operating conditions.

          The ultra−low sleep current makes the microcontroller ideal for applications that remain inactive for long periods of time. A large on−chip non−volatile flash memory (256 kB) combined with on−chip SRAM (48 kB) supports complex applications and simplifies application development. The flash contains built−in hardware error checking and correction (ECC) for application reliability. Additionally, a configurable DMA unit which supports independent peripheral−to−memory, memory−to−memory, and memory−to− peripheral channels provides flexible, low power data transfers without processor intervention.

          A suite of industry−standard development tools, hands−on training and full technical support are available to reduce design cycle time and speed time−to−market.

          Q32M210 主要特性:

          Ultra Low−Power and Smart Power Management

          Less than 400 _A / MHz, up to 16 MHz clock speed

          Reliable operation down to 1.8 V; 3.3 V nominal supply voltage

          Ultra−low−current sleep mode with Real−time Clock active ( 750 nA)

          Low−current standby mode with register and SRAM retention ( 26 _A)

          Integrated power supplies minimize need for external components. ly a minimum of external passives is required

          Efficient, Powerful and Robust Processing Architecture

          32−bit ARM Cortex−M3 CPU

          256 kB on−chip flash with integrated hardware ECC for program and user data storage

          48 kB on−chip SRAM

          Flexible DMA, 4 general−purpose timers, CRC calculator

          No external voltage required for flash write operation

          Low−Noise, Low−Leakage, Low−Temperature Drift, Configurable Sensor Interface

          Triple ultra low−noise opamps with low−leakage inputs and configurable outputs

          Dual on−chip Programmable Gain Amplifiers (PGA) and ADCs with flexible input multiplexing and wide dynamic range

          Reconfigurable voltage detection unit

          Optimal dynamic range scaling of sensor signals

          Flexible on−chip signal routing for dynamic reconfigurability

          Minimal temperature drift of gain and offset errors allows for precise calibration

          Built−in Temperature Sensor

          Predictable Operation

          Dedicated brown−out protection circuit prevents execution of code outside of operating range

          Integrated hardware−based ECC for on−chip flash maintains code and data integrity

          Watchdog timer

          High Precision Analog−to−Digital Conversion and Digital−to−Analog Conversion

          Dual 16−bit ADCs with on−the−fly data rate configurability

          Triple 10−bit DACs with configurable dynamic range

          Precision Voltage Reference

          −chip, low temperature drift ( 50 ppm/C) voltage reference for ADCs and DACs

          Flexible On−Chip Clocking

          Processor supports speeds up to 16 MHz provided either through internal oscillator or externally supplied clock

          Flexible Sensor Interconnections

          Triple low Ron analog multiplexers, including an 8:1 input mux

          Quad SPST and quad multi−switches for effective simultaneous connection to different sensors

          USB 2.0 Full−Speed Interface

          Built−in transceiver for 2.0 Full−speed compatible (12 Mbps) operation with dedicated power supply

          Flexible External Interfaes

          Configurable Interface Wakeup pins with configurable pull−ups and pull−downs

          8 Configurable GPIO interrupts

          Dual UARTs, dual SPI, SQI, I2C, PCM (including I2S mode), GPIOs

          LCD Interface

          Up to 112 segments with integrated charge pump and backlight driver (up to 10 mA)


          Available in 140−pin TLLGA

          圖1. Q32M210功能方框圖

          圖2. Q32M210正常工作條件配置圖

          圖3. Q32M210典型電源配置圖

          圖4. Q32M210擴(kuò)展的電源配置圖

          圖5. Q32M210電路圖

          圖6. Q32M210 USB應(yīng)用電路圖





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