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          EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設計應用 > 基于28nn Stratix V FPGA的100GbE線路卡設計技術

          基于28nn Stratix V FPGA的100GbE線路卡設計技術

          作者: 時間:2010-06-11 來源:網絡 收藏


          lEfficient floating-point multiplication with up to 1,000 GFLOPS

          lHigher signal processing bandwidth with up to 1,840 GMACS

          lAutomatic single event upset (SEU) detection and correction

          lDesign security with enhanced Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and 256-bit volatile and non-volatile keys

          lProductivity-boosting tools in Quartus® II software, including DSP Builder Advanced Blockset and incremental compilation

          5. RF Card and Channel Card


          RF Card and Channel Card


          lReduced board space, power, and cost via fewer data channels and higher throughput per channel

          lLower system latency and increased system performance and reliability via greater integration

          lDesign differentiation using highest DSP- and memory-to-logic ratios

          Higher MIMO and bandwidth density compared to competitive offering

          6.Studio Video Server
          Studio Video Server


          Best-in-class serial digital interface (SDI) solution

          Support for multiple CODECs through user-friendly partial reconfiguration

          Optimal memory design with native 10-bit support

          Efficient video processing with high multipliers-and memory-to-logic ratios

          Complete solution via CODECs and 1080p video framework IP core

          采用28nm 方案

          The components of a 100-GbE line card include:

          ■ Optical interface―The optical interface unit can consist of multiple SFP+ or XFP modules, or it can be driven by 100G traffic via CFP or QSFP modules.

          ■ PHY―The PHY unit is the serializer/deserializer (SERDES) component of the line card. The PHY line rate and jitter specifications should be compliant with the optical interface.

          ■ MAC/PCS―The MAC/PCS unit performs the gearbox, scrambling, and encoding functions based on the protocol. In the case of 40-GbE or 100-GbE implementations, there is a multilane distribution (MLD) function as per the IEEE 802.3ba specifications. In addition, flow control as well as error handling is performed by the MAC.In some cases, the received 10G data from the MAC unit is aggregated before it is passed over to the network processing unit (NPU).

          ■ NPU―The key function of the NPU is to optimize the performance of packet processing in the evolving functional framework of the line card. Key functions include compression, classification/lookup, modification, and deep-packet inspection. The most common function of the NPU is to interface with a switch fabric device that performs complicated routing of the packets through the network.

          ■ Traffic manager―The primary function of the traffic manager is to offer a large number of high-speed queues, optimize queue depths, and use sophisticated scheduling mechanisms to meet the QoS requirements of the application. Because NPUs are not designed with QoS in mind, they require excessive processing power and software optimization before they can function as efficiently as a dedicated traffic manager.


          圖9。采用兩片 V 的100-GbE卡框圖


          Higher system integration through highest density and hard PCS blocks for 40 GbE, 100 GbE, and Interlaken

          High-bandwidth data-buffering with up to 1,600-Mbps external memory interfaces

          Efficient implementation of packet processing and traffic management functions

          Higher system performance while staying within your power and cost budget

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