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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計應用 > 基于LT3575的隔離反激型電源轉(zhuǎn)換技術(shù)設(shè)計


          作者: 時間:2012-05-17 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏

          本文介紹了主要特性,方框圖以及多種單輸出,雙輸出和四輸出器電路圖。Linear 公司的是用于反激拓撲的開關(guān)穩(wěn)壓器,不需要第三個繞組或光器。輸入電壓3-40V,集成了2.5A/60V NPN功率開關(guān),輸出功率可高達14W,主要應用在工業(yè),汽車和醫(yī)療設(shè)備的隔離。

          Isolated Flyback Converter without an Opto-Coupler

          The LTR3575 is a monolithic switching regulator specifically designed for the isolated flyback topology. No third winding or optoisolator is required for regulation. The part senses the isolated output voltage directly from the primary side flyback waveform. A 2.5A, 60V NPN power switch is integrated along with all control logic into a 16-lead TSSOP package.

          The operates with input supply voltages from 3V to 40V, and can deliver output power up to 14W with no external power switch. The LT3575 utilizes boundary mode operation to provide a small magnetic solution with improved load regulation.

          The output voltage is easily set with two external resistors and the transformer turns ratio. Off the shelf transformers are available for many applications.


          3V to 40V Input Voltage Range

          2.5A, 60V Integrated NPN Power Switch

          Boundary Mode Operation

          No Transformer Third Winding or Optoisolator Required for Regulation

          Improved Primary-Side Winding Feedback Load Regulation

          VOUT Set with Two External Resistors

          BIAS Pin for Internal Bias Supply and Power NPN Driver

          Programmable Soft-Start

          Programmable Power Switch Current Limit

          Thermally Enhanced 16-Lead TSSOP


          Industrial, Automotive and Medical Isolated Power Supplies



          圖3。LT3575 +/-12V隔離反激器電路圖

          圖4。LT3575 5V隔離反激轉(zhuǎn)換器電路圖


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