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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計應用 > 基于SiC414設(shè)計的6A降壓電源穩(wěn)壓技術(shù)


          作者: 時間:2010-05-07 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          集成了5V/200mA LDO的降壓器,開關(guān)頻率高達1MHz,全部采用陶瓷電容.連續(xù)輸出電流達,效率大于95%,內(nèi)部軟起動和軟關(guān)斷,主要用在筆記本電腦,臺式電腦和服務器,數(shù)字HDTV和消費類電子,網(wǎng)絡(luò)和通信設(shè)備,打印機,DSL和STB,嵌入式應用和點負載.本文介紹了主要特性, 功能方框圖, 典型應用電路圖和評估板電路圖以及材料清單(BOM).


          The Vishay Siliconix SiC414 is an advanced stand-alone synchronous buck regulator featuring integrated power MOSFETs, bootstrap diode, and an internal 5 V LDO in a space-saving MLPQ 4 x 4 - 28 pin package.

          The SiC414 is capable of operating with all ceramic solutions and switching frequencies up to 1 MHz. The programmable frequency, synchronous operation and selectable power-save allow operation at high efficiency across the full range of load current. The internal LDO may be used to supply 5 V for the gate drive circuits or it may be bypassed with an external 5 V for optimum efficiency and used to drive external n-channel MOSFETs or other loads. Additional features include cycle-by-cycle current limit, voltage softstart, under-voltage protection, programmable over-current protection, soft shutdown and selectable power-save. The Vishay Siliconix SiC414 also provides an enable input and a power good output.


          High efficiency > 95 %

          6 A continuous output current capability

          Integrated bootstrap switch

          Integrated 5 V/200 mA LDO with bypass logic

          Temperature compensated current limit

          Pseudo fixed-frequency adaptive on-time control

          All ceramic solution enabled

          Programmable input UVLO threshold

          Independent enable pin for switcher and LDO

          Selectable ultra-sonic power-save mode

          Internal soft-start and soft-shutdown

          1 % internal reference voltage

          Power good output and over voltage protection

          Halogen-free according to IEC 61249-2-21 definition

          Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC


          Notebook, desktop and server computers

          Digital HDTV and digital consumer applications

          Networking and telecommunication equipment

          Printers, DSL and STB applications

          Embedded applications

          Point of load power supplies




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