前面講了分布式RAM的方方面面,下面以RAM_16S為例,分別給出其在VHDL和Verilog HDL下面的模板代碼(在ISE Project Navigator中選擇 Edit--- Language Templates,然后選擇VHDL 或者Verilog, 最后是Synthesis Templates --- RAM,在中也有具體調(diào)用過程的描述)。CORE Generator可以產(chǎn)生類似的代碼以供行為仿真使用,它們可以在ISE Project Navigator中雙擊.coe文件看到。
本文引用地址:http://www.ex-cimer.com/article/201710/365632.htmVHDL Template Example
-- Module: RAM_16S
-- DescripTIon: VHDL instanTIaTIon template
-- Distributed RAM
-- Single Port 16 x 1
-- Can also be used for RAM16X1S_1
-- Device: Spartan-3 Family
-- Components DeclaraTIons:
component RAM16X1S
-- pragma translate_off
generic (
-- RAM initialization (“0” by default) for functional simulation:
INIT : bit_vector := X0000
-- pragma translate_on
port (
D : in std_logic;
WE : in std_logic;
WCLK : in std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic
end component;
-- Architecture section:
-- Attributes for RAM initialization (0 by default):
attribute INIT: string;
attribute INIT of U_RAM16X1S: label is 0000;
-- Distributed RAM Instantiation
port map (
D => , -- insert Data input signal
WE => , -- insert Write Enable signal
WCLK => , -- insert Write Clock signal
A0 => , -- insert Address 0 signal
A1 => , -- insert Address 1 signal
A2 => , -- insert Address 2 signal
A3 => , -- insert Address 3 signal
O => -- insert Data output signal
Verilog Template Example
// Module: RAM_16S
// Description: Verilog instantiation template
// Distributed RAM
// Single Port 16 x 1
// Can also be used for RAM16X1S_1
// Device: Spartan-3 Family
// Syntax for Synopsys FPGA Express
// synopsys translate_off
//RAM initialization (“0” by default) for functional simulation:
U_RAM16X1S.INIT = 16h0000;
// synopsys translate_on
//Distributed RAM Instantiation
.D(), // insert input signal
.WE(), // insert Write Enable signal
.WCLK(), // insert Write Clock signal
.A0(), // insert Address 0 signal
.A1(), // insert Address 1 signal
.A2(), // insert Address 2 signal
.A3(), // insert Address 3 signal
.O() // insert output signal
// synthesis attribute declarations
/* synopsys attribute
INIT 0000
CORE Generator產(chǎn)生分布式RAM、同步FIFO和異步FIFO的說明文檔可以分別在如下網(wǎng)址找到。
? CORE Generator: 分布式RAM模塊
? CORE Generator: 同步FIFO模塊
? CORE Generator: 異步FIFO模塊