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          EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術(shù) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > 接收器IC混合式混頻器、頻率合成器和IF放大器


          作者:ADI 時(shí)間:2018-09-26 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏



            隨著完整接收器鏈內(nèi)在集成度的提高,開發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)的規(guī)模也大幅增加。雖然這里無法列出為本文做出貢獻(xiàn)的全體人員,但本文作者非常榮幸地向下列行業(yè)專家表示由衷的謝意:Kurt Fletcher和Dominic Mai花了大量時(shí)間以實(shí)現(xiàn)優(yōu)秀的布局并保持對(duì)稱,避免無用耦合。Vincent Bu與我們的供應(yīng)商密切配合,開發(fā)必要的封裝。Susan Stevens與外部代工合作伙伴維持了良好的工作關(guān)系。Craig Levy和Rachana Kaza為這些器件開發(fā)了生產(chǎn)測(cè)試功能。Wendy Dutile、Ed Gorzynski和Chris Norcross都參與了測(cè)試電路的大量原型制作工作。Mark Hyslip負(fù)責(zé)業(yè)務(wù)協(xié)調(diào),使得本項(xiàng)目得以成型。本文作者希望以本文紀(jì)念我們的同事,Edward J. Gorzynski。


            1 Marc Goldfarb, Russel Martin, and Ed Balboni.“Novel Topology Supports Wideband Passive Mixers.”(新型拓?fù)浣Y(jié)構(gòu)支持寬帶無源混頻器)Microwaves & RF,第90頁,2011年10月。

            2 Marc Goldfarb.“Apparatus and Method for a Wideband RF Mixer.”(寬帶RF混頻器裝置和方法)公司,2012年。



            About the Authors


            Tom Bosia [thomas.bosia@analog.com] joined ADI in 2013 as an RF product engineer. Prior to Analog Devices, he was an RF test engineer at Raytheon, Cree, and Auriga Microwave, accruing over 25 years of experience in microwave semiconductors. He received a B.S.E.E. from UMass Lowell in 2001.

            Tom Bosia [thomas.bosia@analog.com]于2013年加盟ADI公司,擔(dān)任RF產(chǎn)品工程師。加盟ADI公司之前,在Raytheon、Cree和Auriga Microwave等公司擔(dān)任RF測(cè)試工程師,在微波半導(dǎo)體領(lǐng)域積累了超過25年的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。2001年獲得麻省大學(xué)羅威爾分校電氣工程學(xué)士學(xué)位。

            Russell Martin [russell.martin@analog.com] joined ADI in 2002 and had 15 years of experience releasing IC products to market as a product engineer before becoming engineering manager in the RF and Microwave Group (RFMG). He graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2002 with a B.S.E.E.

            Russell Martin [russell.martin@analog.com]于2002年加盟ADI公司,任產(chǎn)品工程師,負(fù)責(zé)IC產(chǎn)品的市場(chǎng)發(fā)布工作達(dá)15年;后來成為ADI公司RF和微波部門(RFMG)的工程經(jīng)理。2002年畢業(yè)于伍斯特理工學(xué)院,獲電氣工程學(xué)士學(xué)位。

            Marc Goldfarb [marc.goldfarb@analog.com] has over 35 years of design experience in analog, RF, and microwave integrated circuits in military, industrial, and consumer applications. He has worked in SiGe/silicon, GaAs, and microwave hybrid integrated circuit technologies, among others. Prior to joining Analog Devices, Marc held engineering roles at Pacific Communications Sciences, Inc. (PCSI), Raytheon, and M/A-COM Microwave Associates. He holds a Master of Engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, has 13 patents, and has authored numerous publications for reference and trade journals.

            Marc Goldfarb [marc.goldfarb@analog.com]在模擬、RF和微波集成電路領(lǐng)域擁有超過35年的設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)驗(yàn),涉及軍事、工業(yè)和消費(fèi)電子等應(yīng)用。他曾從事過SiGe/硅、GaAs和微波混合集成電路技術(shù)等工作。加盟ADI公司之前,Marc曾在Pacific Communications Sciences, Inc. (PCSI)、Raytheon和M/A-COM Microwave Associates公司工作,歷任多個(gè)工程職位。他畢業(yè)于紐約特洛伊倫斯勒理工學(xué)院,獲工程碩士學(xué)位;獲13項(xiàng)專利,在參考類資料和行業(yè)期刊上發(fā)表論文多篇。

            Marc is a design engineer with the RF and Microwave Group (RFMG) focused on the development of RF ICs for the wireless infrastructure and is presently leading the design team for a series of 5th generation communications infrastructure (5G IC) projects.

            Marc目前是RF和微波部門(RFMG)的一名設(shè)計(jì)工程師,主要負(fù)責(zé)無線基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施RF IC開發(fā)工作;目前擔(dān)任多個(gè)5G通信基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施(5G IC)項(xiàng)目的設(shè)計(jì)組組長(zhǎng)。

            Dragoslav Culum [dragoslav.culum@analog.com] is a product line manager at Analog Devices. He has over 10 years of experience in wireless communications. Dragoslav joined Analog Devices in 2014 through the Hittite acquisition. He joined Hittite in 2008 and since then has held various positions including applications engineer, marketing engineer, and product line manager in a number of product lines. Dragoslav obtained his Bachelor of Engineering from McMaster University and a Master of Engineering from Carleton University.

            Dragoslav Culum [dragoslav.culum@analog.com]是ADI公司的產(chǎn)品線經(jīng)理。他在無線通信領(lǐng)域擁有超過10的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。2014年,在Hittite并購(gòu)?fù)瓿珊?,Dragoslav加盟ADI。他于2008年加盟Hittite,并歷任多個(gè)職位,包括應(yīng)用工程師、營(yíng)銷工程師和多個(gè)產(chǎn)品系列的產(chǎn)品線經(jīng)理。Dragoslav分別從麥克馬斯特大學(xué)和卡爾頓大學(xué)獲工程學(xué)士學(xué)位和工程碩士學(xué)位。

            Ben Walker [benjamin.walker@analog.com] received his Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Since 2004, he has worked for Analog Devices, Inc., in the RF and Microwave Group on a variety of circuits for the wireless infrastructure market. Ben’s interests include phase-locked loops, voltage-controlled oscillators, and RF switch and attenuator design.

            Ben Walker [benjamin.walker@analog.com]于2003年和2004年分別獲得麻省理工學(xué)院的工程學(xué)士學(xué)位和工程碩士學(xué)位。2004年以來,他一直在ADI公司RF和微波部門工作,參與了面向無線基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施市場(chǎng)的多種電路設(shè)計(jì)工作。Ben的興趣包括鎖相環(huán)、電壓控制振蕩器和RF開關(guān)及衰減器設(shè)計(jì)。

            Ed Balboni [ed.balboni@analog.com] has 30 years’ experience designing high performance, highly integrated, radio transceiver circuits. His expertise is in microwave, RF, mixed-signal, and analog circuits in SiGe BiCMOS, bipolar, and CMOS technologies for communication products. Ed joined Analog Devices in 2000 and works in the RF IC Design Group as an IC designer and design manager. At ADI he develops high performance RF IC components supporting wireless infrastructure including cellular base stations and point-to-point microwave.

            Ed Balboni [ed.balboni@analog.com]在高性能、高集成度無線電收發(fā)器電路設(shè)計(jì)領(lǐng)域擁有30年經(jīng)驗(yàn)。他擅長(zhǎng)基于SiGe BiCMOS、雙極性和CMOS技術(shù)設(shè)計(jì)面向通信產(chǎn)品的微波、RF、混合信號(hào)和模擬電路。Ed于2000年加盟ADI公司,在RF IC設(shè)計(jì)部門擔(dān)任IC設(shè)計(jì)師和設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)理。他在ADI負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā)支持無線基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的高性能RF IC組件,包括蜂窩基站和點(diǎn)對(duì)點(diǎn)微波。

            Prior to joining ADI, Ed worked at Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, MA on MEMS inertial sensors and low power communication electronics. Ed graduated from University of Massachusetts Lowell with a B.S.E.E. degree in 1985 and received a M.S.E.E. degree in 1990 from Northeastern University.

            加盟ADI之前,Ed曾在麻省劍橋的Draper實(shí)驗(yàn)室工作,負(fù)責(zé)MEMS慣性傳感器和低功耗通信電子元器件的設(shè)計(jì)。Ed 1985年畢業(yè)于麻省大學(xué)洛威爾分校,獲電氣工程學(xué)士學(xué)位,1990年畢業(yè)于東北大學(xué),獲電氣工程碩士學(xué)位。

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