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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 模擬技術(shù) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > 選擇合適的系列電壓基準(zhǔn)源的絕對(duì)精度電壓輸出


          作者: 時(shí)間:2012-01-30 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
          DING-TOP: 0px">
          Output Voltage
          Range = 0 -2.5V
          Range = 0 - 4.096V
          Range = 0 -4.000V
          Range = 0 -2.048V
          DAC Output
          Fixed gain = 1.638
          Fixed gain = 2
          Fixed gain = 1.638
          Power Supply
          4.5V min
          5.5V max
          4.95V min
          +12V available
          4.75V min
          5.25V max
          3V(varying VBATT)
          2.7V min
          3.6V max
          Temperature Range
          0°C to 70°C (commercial)
          0°C to 70°C (commercial)
          -40°C to 85°C (extended)
          15°C to 45°C ( commercial)
          Signal BW
          10Hz to 10kHz
          DC to 1kHz
          DC to 10Hz
          DC to 10Hz
          DAC Calibration
          Burn-in + annual (gain and offset)
          One-time factory (gain and offset)
          Maximum Error Target
          16LSB @ 10 bits (6-bit accuracy)
          2LSB @ 14 bits (13-bit accuracy)
          4LSB @ 12 bits (10-bit accuracy)
          8LSB @ 12 bits (9-bit accuracy)

          Step 1: Voltage Ranges and Reference-Voltage Determination

          The first consideration when selecting a voltage reference for a DAC application is to evaluate the supply-voltage and the DAC output-voltage ranges (Table 2). To simplify the design examples described above, DACs have already been chosen, so their output gain is not a variable we will trade off as in a real design.

          Table 2. Voltage-Related Parameters for DAC Design Examples
          Design A
          Design B
          Design C
          Design D
          Main Design Objectives
          Low cost, loose accuracy
          High absolute accuracy and precision
          One-time calibrated, low drift
          Low voltage, battery powered, moderate accuracy
          Example Application
          Consumer audio device
          Lab instrument




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