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          EEPW首頁(yè) > 電源與新能源 > 2006最受外企歡迎的簡(jiǎn)歷-銷售人員


          作者: 時(shí)間:2007-03-15 來源: 收藏


          Dear Ms. Mac Queen:

          Are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry? Maybe I can help you.

          I am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at IBM Corporation. Based on this experience I can:

          - Meet large global customers' total information systems requirements
          - Negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements
          - Sell in international markets
          - Respond to the concerns of senior management
          - Leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction

          Although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me, you should know that my total compensation is $75,000.

          I appreciate your consideration.

          Very truly yours,
          Wade B. Stanford (手寫體)
          Wade B. Stanford


          關(guān)鍵詞: 畢業(yè) 求職



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